brcmcindy (brcmrecruit)
2008-11-03 17:03:17Broadcom Corporation
[誠徵 在校工讀生]
職稱: Intern-DTV/STB (在校工讀生)
職務類別: 助理工程師、電子工程師
- EE or CS background; Bachelor degree or above
- able to use computer under Windows and Linux env to operate a DTV and STB;
- able to replicate customers’ issues and file reports to our engineers;
- with basic English communication skill;
-每週工讀時數20~40小時, 長期性質(非暑期!)
-待遇優, 無誠勿試
It will be a plus if the candidate is able to solder simple parts on a DTV or
STB board.
詳細工作地點: 台北市信義區信義路五段106號5樓
教育程度: 大學、碩士 (大四生為佳!!)
科系: 電機電子工程相關、資訊管理相關
有興趣者,請將履歷email到:cindyh@broadcom.com 謝小姐收