我剛好12月底也遇到了! 我在 agoda 預定河口湖湖山亭兩人一泊二食
預定金額是 57894 YEN, 因為我的信用卡是美國銀行發行的, 所以是美金計價
匯率大概是 1 USD = 112-113 YEN
所以換算請款金額大概在 516-512 USD 之間
結果 agoda 請款請了 540.18 USD, 前天寫信給 agoda 的美國客服
他們隔天回應根據他們查詢的匯率, 最終扣款應該為 507.62 USD
並且過兩天馬上退款 USD 32.56 , 將近 1000 台票這麼多金額回我的信用卡
我覺得他們的匯率真的很謎... 建議大家覺得被多收要馬上去爭取
我朋友也在 FB 抱怨過, 最後要了 400 多台幣回來
我感覺agoda的員工大概也知情, 所以去跟他們爭取匯率都會直接馬上答應刷退差額
跟 agoda 訂房真的要小心看帳單數字!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We verified the amount
charged and found that there has been a discrepancy in charge due to
a currency exchange difference on our payment gateway however since
your card is in USD and we operate in USD, there should not be any
difference in rate. Kindly note that we have proceed to refund your
card with below details
Original Charge on November 24, 2018: USD 540.18
Final Charge: USD 507.62
Refund to Credit Card: USD 32.56