taweiyang (this is it)
2014-05-07 14:33:32原文網址 http://ppt.cc/-T1A
這篇文章的作者是Clutch 也就是CF(Clutchfans)論壇的站長
不過不管是站長Clutch 或是常常內部爆料的cybrex
他們對於Lin未來動向的討論 我想都有一定參考價值
Lin的部分全文翻譯 其他部分只翻標題 大家看看吧
火箭面臨關鍵休賽期(Rockets face critical offseason)
1.火箭需要教練方面的協助(Rockets Need Coaching Help)
2.追求大獵物(Big Game Hunting)
3.交易Lin與阿西(Trading Jeremy Lin and Omer Asik)
4.迫切需要:三分外線與防守(Wanted: Three-and-D)
5.從鬍子身上我們看到什麼?(What we saw from James Harden)
Jeremy Lin’s contract makes it more likely that he gets traded this offseason
Omer Asik didn’t speak to the media on Monday (par for the course), though I did see him exit the building. Lin said it’s “part of the business.”
“I’m human. I definitely wonder about it,” said Lin of the thought that he will be traded this summer. “Next year will be my fifth season. My first year and a half, I dealt with my name being surrounded with getting cut. And from then on, my name being surrounded with trades. I’d rather take the second than the first.”
Here’s why I think we’ve seen Lin and Asik’s final games with the Rockets.
The Rockets will be paying a hair under $30 million to a pair of backup players. I repeat — thirty mill. Backups. Even at a cap hit of $17 million, it’s a terrible allocation of cap space and funds.
Asik is a luxury the Rockets can’t afford. Lin is a less-than-ideal fit on a team that would place more of a premium on sure-handedness, three-point shooting and defense at the position. He could do a lot more on a team with lower expectations that gave him carte blanche to operate and develop — much like the Rockets expected to be when they signed him.
P.S sure-handedness字面上是「有把握的慣用手」 所以大概是在說Lin的運球不好吧... 有錯請指正!
As mentioned before, Morey can’t sign anyone of significance until their foundation is set. Are they really going to use up another year of Dwight’s prime before making the move for the third guy? Getting a third guy means dealing Asik and/or Lin.
It would have been irresponsible to trade Lin and Asik for nothing at this past February trade deadline given that they were in the middle of an important season. The Rockets were shopping those players looking for a big name star (unlikely) or for players that could help them this season without hurting their flexibility beyond 2015 (difficult). That concern does not exist this summer. They simply need to unload them off the books, knowing that the cap room itself is now a significant asset to work with.
The Rockets will try to prepare several trade options they can turn to when the need for cap room arises. The Rockets can likely move Asik given that he is a rare commodity, but Lin for “nothing” (pure cap room) will cost the Rockets additional assets and will be harder to execute.
I would be shocked if either player is still with the team by training camp in September.
短評或心得:那就麻煩你了 XD (雖然莫雷說他並不期待交易...)
btw 也許三巨頭跟總冠軍有統計上的關聯性
但如果我是火箭總經理 我想要總冠軍
一個上場時間平均28.9分鐘 繳出場均12.5分4.1助攻
先發板凳隨你高興 而且無私不貪功的球員 我是不會交易的
因為不管是 強化教練團 或是 要求鬍子拿出態度做好防守
這兩件事 都比交易Lin與阿西清出薪資空間來買第三巨頭 要簡單得多
而且只要做到這兩件事 讓現有陣容的天賦做最大發揮
anyway 靜觀其變吧...
呵呵, CP+JL一起包(CP再血汗一年)應該就送得掉了
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-05-07 15:59:00
怎麼??不能說不要小看八奇喔??奇怪耶~~~一.一真能盤到第三巨星 貼一點交易你林算小虧而已那不叫貼..那叫箭隊欠的錢還沒給 佔800付500 叫下家付1500佔800 下家當然認為被搶 老老實實把該給付一付"自己便宜用 把下家當冤大頭"的心態不要有 就能交易推樓上~~~~~ak大你.....XDDDDDD
好像有說薪資只規定總量 沒規定怎麼付 可能可以用今年年末付的方式 讓明年付少一點 記得是前P板的文有講
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-05-07 17:47:00
正常使用的話 8M 這數據OK 但是自己要搞英雄球 再來怪人貴 只能說自作孽 你會買法拉利拿來載貨嗎
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-05-08 08:23:00
i鬍那有掉球??是對手犯規裁判都沒吹 ( ′-`)y-~
Lin也是阿(嘆), G3G4被念的要死的失誤, 前面都有Lillard那隻犯規的手 = =::: 不吹就是不吹不過這都是 Lin要去面對的地方, 所以他運球還是要強化才行, 只是能進去逛一圈是不夠低
作者: bluesunflowe 2014-05-08 10:11:00
沒討論比賽..是在檢討u林...( ′-`)y-~