[外絮] Jeremy Lin:‘I've Been Over Linsanity

作者: Satsuki7552   2014-10-01 10:03:23
Lakers Media Day, Jeremy Lin, ‘I’ve Been Over Linsanity!’ (VIDEO)
At Lakers Media Day 2014, Jeremy Lin was hounded with questions about
Linsanity, but Lin was adamant in leaving Linsanity behind. Citing Linsanity
being a short thing of the past, Lin said he’s looking to build a legacy,
not recreate a period of time.
湖人媒體日, 林書豪被記著們包圍追問著關於"Linsanity"的事情, 但林堅持那已經是
過去的事, 現在的他想的不是再去重現那段時光, 而是去打出能流傳的表現.
Plus, Lin talks about the relationships he’s already built with Kobe Bryant
and Steve Nash. Lin reveals that Nash even assisted him with one of his
recent YouTube videos.
此外林書豪也提到了他跟Kobe & Nash已然建立起的關係, Nash甚至好到還幫他拍片~
Lin also said he believes the Lakers can make the playoffs this year and
discusses his own personal expectations.
最後, 林書豪表示他相信湖人本季可以打入季後賽, 並且做出了他認為的理由~
作者: bluesunflowe   0000-00-00 00:00:00
感謝翻譯!!!!! Lin理由:我擅長打臉..BJ4i鬍可以上40分鐘 8分鐘神射手仙丹進個8顆3分OK der~加上老賈 DMO 每個都可以飆3分~我湖挫勒蛋~~(抖~~箭隊替補不用切入突破啦~~3分雨就夠惹~~~3>2 BJ4那個...單打就是箭隊的戰術阿~~XDDD
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
季後賽DH還打的進 但是另一人就....
作者: bluesunflowe   0000-00-00 00:00:00
火坑:到底要包夾老大還是包夾Lin??都幾??我比較好奇老大守鬍子的話..鬍子會有哨嗎?顆顆有些球員喜歡一球在手..教練也沒輒 (攤手拉開空間到宇宙是戰術重要概念 怎能有擁擠的禁區上季箭隊戰術精髓..略懂略懂~~(被揍

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