主要是訪問老大所以我不翻, 我只翻最重要那一段
"Coming back, the beauty was in the process. So the fun part for me, the most
fun part, is over. I know where I'm at now. Now it's just everybody's seeing (
that he's himself). But the fun part for me is over in terms of the comeback.
Now the challenges become turning Jeremy into a championship point guard, a fl
oor general, right? And the rest of the guys having a championship spirit. Tha
t's the challenge."
從傷痛回歸, 最美好的時光是回歸的過程. 所以對我來說最有趣的部分已經結束了. 我知
道我回來了, 現在就是讓大家看到我已經是從前的我. 但我說結束的部分是回歸的過程.
現在的挑戰是把Jeremy Lin 改造成總冠軍級的PG, 一個場上將軍, 對吧? 然後讓隊伍所
有人都有挑戰總冠軍的精神, 這才是挑戰
看完我痛哭流涕, 老大就是老大
老衲受傷沒關係, 還有老大關照逼成為你冠軍控衛!