bonnysu (bonny)
2017-05-09 11:26:31林書豪 代禱事項 29
希望你們都好…… 以下是我的暑期代禱事項
隊和我目前都很認真及努力計畫這個旅程,希望把最好的呈現給我的球迷們。 但我需要
Jeremy's Prayer Request 29.
Hope everyone's doing well...sending some prayer requests from vacation!!
First, Im very thankful to God for this much-needed time of rest. The NBA
season's always a grind and a marathon in some sense, so it's super important
to recharge after the season. I'm thankful for awesome times with my family
and friends. We traveled to different places all on the West Coast and
vacationed, but I'm still giving myself another week or two before I get back
into full-time training. I also want to praise God for allowing us to finish
the season strong with 11 wins in the last 5-6 weeks and that everyone on our
team stayed healthy.
As for prayer requests, I'd like to continue to ask for prayer for my prayer
life. This week, I am fasting from checking any social media (if I posted
anything, it's because I asked my friend to post for me) in hopes of removing
some of the distracting voices of the world that compete for my attention
with Christ. I want to invest more time in prayer and writing notes/requests
in my prayer journal. Im hoping that by the end of the week, I will be really
locked in on Christ and basking in His presence.
Another prayer request is for the upcoming Asia Tour. We are planning some
huge events in hopes of making this the best and most impactful Asia Tour
I've had. But in order to do that, it requires a ton of work and planning. My
team and I have been working really hard trying to get a lot of this stuff
done for the fans, but I need to remember to surrender the results to God
versus trying to micromanage, stress and worry about everything. Also prayer
for my team that we would have patience and love for each other through the
process because it's always a stressful time planning for the Asia Tour.
Thanks everybody!