※ 引述《LABOYS (洛城浪子)》之銘言:
: Mozgov will get a scan in Atlanta tomorrow to rule out a possible orbital
: fracture. Walton said he looks like he was in a heavyweight fight.
: Mozgov明天會在亞特蘭大接受檢查,確認是否有眼窩骨折的狀況。
: Walton說他看起來像打過重量級拳賽。
Mozgov on tomorrow vs ATL: "As long as I can see with two eyes, I'm okay. But
if I can't see what's going on, there's no way I can play."
這不是...有說跟沒說一樣 XDDDD
希望 Mozgov 沒什麼大礙。