※ [本文轉錄自 eJob 看板 #1JfwQcmw ]
作者: wenhsuanlo (babadox) 看板: eJob
標題: [徵才(實習生)]香港商亞聯顧問有限公司徵法務暨
時間: Mon Jun 23 12:01:40 2014
Company information:
Job Description
Administration and Legal Assistant (paid internship)
The administration and legal assistant will work in Asiallians Ltd.
Taiwan Branch in Taipei.
The main duties are as below:
1. administrative duties:
Basic office administrative work, including telephone reception,
organizing business trip for partner lawyers, etc.
2. legal duties:
Conducting legal research, assisting in legal projects according to
the instructions of partner lawyers.
University student (law shcool), native Madarin, fluent in English,
French will be a plus.
Period of internship:
From the end of August 2014 to the end of November.
Please send your resume and cover letter IN ENGLISH to
wenhsuan.lo@asiallians.com if your are interested.