stuj9019 (MLGPRO)
2019-07-29 21:32:47You may be trying to blend in with a person you admire or with a group of peop
le you want to belong with. But you can't help but stand out, and that's not a
bad thing. Why would that person or the people in that group want someone who
blends in? You have so many special abilities, qualities and talents, and you
shine like a star when you are at your best and when you are true to yourself
. These are just a few of the many things that attract people to you. Don't hi
de your light, Leo, and don't be afraid to be different.
你可能試圖融入一群你想要加入的團體。 但你沒有辦法不去出風頭。這並不是一件壞事
己自由發揮時,你會像明星一樣閃耀。 而這些甚至只是吸引人們的眾多事物中的一小部