evening (小夜)
2014-09-24 09:18:32[–]imkillin 12 指標 8 hours ago
Which team looks strongest if you did scrim with many foreign team??
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 19 指標 8 hours ago
Chinese team is more familiar to us, we have scrim with OMG, SHR and
EDG,they are all strong team for us, but EDG is looks strongest!(they
just beat us...@@)
我們對中國的隊伍比較熟悉。我們有和OMG, SHR和EDG對練過。他們對我們來
說都是強隊 但其中EDG看起來是最強的!(他們打敗了我們...@@)
[–]Rochaelpro 20 指標 8 hours ago
Question for greentea:
why blitz instead of the Meta game supports that everyone else is using?
Do you think Blitzcrank should be worth a ban in Solo-Queue?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 59 指標 8 hours ago
Because when we practice, Blitzcrank almost every game to win,
but to have a game when not win = _ =
我猜他想表達的意思:因為當我們在練習的時候, 有選機器人幾乎都贏,
但是世界賽有選都輸 = _ =
[–]rustcify 12 指標 7 hours ago
Hello , Where is the AHQ bubble tea store in Taipei??
你好, 潮飲在哪阿?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 20 指標 7 hours ago
[–]overlander35 6 指標 8 hours ago
What was going through your minds when you beat edg and had the opportunity
to play a tiebreaker?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 15 指標 7 hours ago
no words can describe the feel then..."OM(F)G!!!
We really made it!!! etc..XD"
我們辦到了!!! etc..XD
[–]syxsyx -3 指標 11 hours ago
do you think you only beat EDG becasue they were disrespecting and not
showing full strength? their picks/team comp/ and play style was totally not
EDG style
你會覺得你們能打贏EDG是因為他們不尊重你們, 沒拿出全部的實力應戰嗎?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 21 指標 11 hours ago
mm...actually we never think the question you mentioned,
but their team style is very organized and careful,
i think they also did their best_+
呃...我們根本從未想過你提的問題, 但是他們的隊伍風格非常有組織
和謹慎. 我認為EDG已經盡了他們全力_+
[–]Elise_cacoonxD -17 指標 11 hours ago
Why do you your team suck so much?
外國鄉民也是很酸的阿 哈哈XDDDDDD
[–]fatguyonabench 1 指標 11 hours ago
To Greentea why are you the best support in the world?
致綠茶, 為什麼你是世界最強的SUPPORT?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 11 指標 11 hours ago
i am not the best support in the world so far,
but i'm trying hard to be the best!
我目前不是世界最強的SUPPORT, 但我會努力成為最強的!
[–]minminsaur(SEA) 1 指標 11 hours ago
Why aren't they answering any questions?
(AMA基本上再廢的問題, 都會回答一下, 因為真的ahq的帳號滿多留言沒有回覆)
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 11 指標 11 hours ago
so, actually our eng is not good, so we can just answer
the question slowly...@@
我們英文不太好, 所以我們只能慢慢回...@@
[–]PONYMASTERLORD 1 指標 10 hours ago
To GreenTea: why not bring your famous Malphite Support to worlds ? D:
致綠茶, 為什麼不拿出你最有名的石頭人給世界瞧瞧? D:
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 3 指標 10 hours ago
Because Malphite support is very hard to resist and protect our
AD in earlier game@@
[–]aj_rex 1 指標 10 hours ago
For GreenTea: I was hoping for Urgot support. Where was it???
致綠茶, 我原本很期待烏爾加特打輔助喔, 他跑去哪了???
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 5 指標 10 hours ago
no...our coach will kill me@@
[–]Iconoclast_RL -1 指標 10 hours ago
Is it true that Westdoor is secretly coaching SKT T1 under the name of Kkoma?
聽說西門秘密的使用Kkoma這個名子作為SKT T1的教練, 是真的嗎?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 7 指標 10 hours ago
[–]bspassov 1 指標 12 hours ago
For Westdoor : - Which mid lane champions are in the meta at the moment?
致西門, 現今Meta有哪些中路英雄可選擇?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 10 指標 10 hours ago
For me, any champions can be the meta at any moment if our team need.
對我來說, 任何英雄都是, 只要我們團隊有需要
[–]lastchancexi 2 指標 12 hours ago
Did you ever consider merging with TPA to create a super team?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 4 指標 10 hours ago
[–]league_philosopher 1 指標 12 hours ago
How did your team react to being seeded in the same group as EDG and SSW? How
did your mindset towards improving change when you faced some of the best
players in your respective roles?
[–]ahqesportsclub[S] 7 指標 10 hours ago
So sad actually...Both EDG and SSW is very strong for any team.
(這回應應該是沒看清楚問題, 就不翻了)
目前有回應的都翻完了 有更新再補充 :)
[–]cvca [score hidden] an hour ago
To Westdoor / GreenTea ,how do you feel about your JG in game performance? do
you guys will live stream recently on twitch or anywhere?
致西門/綠茶, 你們覺得你們的JG表現如何? 你們之後會在Twitch或是其他地方開直播嗎?
[–]acllive 1 指標 3 hours ago
you guys should really hold your head up high, congrats on the showing at
worlds, forcing the tiebreaker when noone expected you to even take one game
of edg and playing that well on the last day when you needed it was huge, i
hope you come back next year guys :)
當根本沒人期待你們能從EDG手中搶下一勝 你們竟然能拚到加賽
而且在你們需要勝利時表現的如此精彩. 期待你們明年再次來到世界舞台 :)
[–]Shamscam 1 指標 4 hours ago
How do you feel about TPA's performance in worlds?
All things considering I thought you guys showed a much better performance vs
stronger teams. Like you team probably would have won that game vs OMG that
TPA just played way to scared.
通盤考量下, 我覺得你們和強隊比賽時,表現的更為出色
[–]UsagiTempo 8 指標 7 hours ago
For whoever is going to answer: What happened to NAZ here?
不管誰來回答都可以, 有人知道NAZ怎麼了嗎?
[–]TwitchSpectatesLOL 2 指標 8 hours ago
Do you know http://www.twitch.tv/TwitchSpectatesLOL ? I wrote the stream
robot that searches live LOL games in Korean and people can vote which game
to spectate through twitch chat.
There's plenty of people watching if you're playing. You always wins the
vote. I hope this doesn't offend you and I can stop streaming your games if
you like.
[–]fight4ccp 1 指標 8 hours ago
你们好啊。。。。你们一定受到粉丝拥护热爱。 edg在大陆已经被喷成狗了。
[–]SteampunkHedgehog 1 指標 9 hours ago
For my man Greentea:
In the second game vs EDG, did you feel the Leona pick hurt or helped your
chances of winning, seeing as it can lock down Kassadin really well and
synergizes with your overall teamcomp, but loses out in lane vs Lucian/Braum?
Do you feel the need to expand upon your champion pool or would you rather
specialize to keep mechanics and champion knowledge at a higher level?
致真男人 綠茶, 第二場對EDG你選了Leona. 雖然他可以有效限制卡薩丁
而且也有效的符合你陣容的體系 但這個選擇也造成你們對線期被打爆.
你會覺得需要增加口袋深度嗎, 還是會選擇更加專精於操作技巧和英雄熟悉度?