hank530 (530)
2014-10-05 00:33:13https://www.facebook.com/AlexIchLoL/posts/674654725976115
Hello guys, I decided to tell what's happening and what is current situation.
In the beginning of May I went to NIP gaming house to play with new team.
They said they will make me Work Visa but in 3 months nothing changed and I
was still living using schengen that i did a while ago. I was believing NIP
till the end but after we lost the promotion and lost our chance to get into
LCS I understood that NIP is not willing to make me visa and visa that should
be done in June-July won't be done at all. I missed 3 months without my
family believing in the organization. My schengen visa expired, I couldn't be
in Europe anymore and it was already obvious that NIP don't want to make me
work visa especially after we didn't get into LCS and they were waiting to
see if we get into LCS or not. I didn't want to stay in the organization
anymore, they still owe me all the money (salary and prize money) : the sum
is around 5k euro. Right now the official representetive of NIP is ignoring
me in skype even though I sent them invoice at 14 of September, still 0
answer. It is sad because I thought that NIP is reliable organization and I
trusted it very much.
我決定告訴大家最近發生了什麼 還有現在的狀態
五月初我去了NIP的訓練屋參與新的隊伍 他們說他們會弄好工作簽證 但是三個月過了都
沒下文 我還在用之前的申根簽證 我原本相信NIP 但在我們沒打進LCS後 我才發現NIP
不打算幫我弄工作簽證(6,7月就該弄好) 三個月內我都沒回家 深信著NIP 申根簽證過
期了 我沒辦法待在歐洲 因為我們沒有打進LCS NIP顯然不會幫我辦工作簽證(就算沒打
進也應該先辦好工作簽證才對吧) 我想離開了 但是和NIP的合約還在 他們欠我的薪水+
獎金大約5千歐元(大約台幣19w) NIP官方在skype刻意忽略我 九月我傳了14條訊息 完全
沒有回應 我當初是如此的相信他們 現在我好難過:(
Why all those problems you will ask? Right now riot rule says :
1.2 Residency and Work Eligibility
Each player must submit proof that, at the time of any LCS-affiliated match,
he/she will be (a) a legal resident of a country in their region, and
(b) work-eligible in the United States (for NA players) or Germany (for EU players).
TBH I think even if NIP did me visa and I got into LCS I would still not be
eligible to play in LCS. Why? Because as Russian with swedish visa I'm
allowed to work only in Sweden. So to work in Germany I need German Visa and
German Organization.
Right now it seems that it's almost impossible for me to play in Europe.
Because it is really hard to find German Organization and it is really hard
to get German working visa for russian. Only making visa would take 2-4
months. I don't think that any cybersport organization would take care of it
because there are a lot of other european players, especially if you take in
consideration that I got family and need to move them with me aswell.
Basically I can't play now as I was playing in Gambit travelling back and
forth from Russia. And knowing German rules even if I get working visa it
will be really hard for me to move my family ( I will need to live there for
couple of months already and my wife will need to pass german language test ).
I hate that I was born russian but I can't really do much with that and all
those new rules just throw me and all my achievements in the trashbag as
根據Riot規定 要打LCS必須要有(a)在那區的合法居住權+(b)美國(NA)或德國的工作簽證
(EU) 就算我贏了升降賽 我也沒有資格打LCS 因為我只有俄人在瑞典的工作簽證 我需要
現在看起來我沒辦法在EU打了 俄人要拿德國的工作簽證很難 光流程就要2~4個月 我
不覺得有電競公司會從人海中挑選我 尤其我又有家庭必須一起考慮 我沒辦法像當初GMB
一樣飛來飛去 德國工作簽證很麻煩(住一段時間+太太要通過語言考試)
我甚至討厭身為一個俄國人 我沒辦法做什麼 這些規定把我的成就都變成了垃圾
Right now I don't have that much options:
1) try to find German organization to play in European LCS
2) try to find American team to play in NA LCS that will help me and move my
3) move to Brazil , because Russia-Brazil doesn't require visa
4) stay in Russia and play in russian leagues (not really an option because
with money u can get here I cannot really pay the costs of living even).
5) retire.
1) 找德國隊伍打LCS EU
2) 找美國隊伍 要把我家庭搬過去
3) 去巴西 (俄巴免簽)
4) 留在俄國 (真的不是個選擇 新水沒辦法養活自己)
5) 退休
I really want to stay relevant, keep playing my favourite game and keep
pleasing you with my plays, but lately I was much more busy with trying to
fix all visa thingies, looking for organization, moving back and forth trying
to survive in league of legends. I guess I am too tired fighting against me
being russian. Right now I think there is almost no way for russian player to
get into somewhere because u cant play anywhere except russian leagues which
are not that high skilled. It is like full isolation
So basically I am free agent and looking for team offers. If there is any
organization willing to help me, I can easily make european team that can
become contender for LCS spot.
我真的想繼續打我最愛的遊戲 做些play讓你們開心 但最近光簽證問題就有我忙的
找新的隊伍 身為俄國人被各種刁難 只為了繼續打LoL 俄國人除了國內聯賽(水準低)
以外似乎沒有出路了 就好像被隔離了
我現在基本上沒有合約 還在找尋隊伍 我可以讓EU隊伍登上LCS舞台 來找我吧!