OPOPPOP (木蘭香遮不住傷)
2015-05-09 07:17:071.After watching the MSI pro predictions with TSM in top 3, and TSM doesn't
even get past group stage. So dissapointing for NA.
2.the moment you realize besiktas put better performance than TSM,and energy
actually solokilled westdoor twice
3."I love America" - Westdoor. Knocks out NA.
我喜歡美國 BY 西門 但也把美國淘汰了
4.Hey, if Fnatic lose against Besiktas, we will have a tie between Fnatic TSM
and Besiktas ... Tie-breaker
5.Dyrus on Hecarim?Wildturtle on Kalista?Bjerg not on an assassin?
Santorin MIA? GG
睡神玩人馬 野龜玩Kalista 鼻爾森不玩刺客 Santorin中離 GG
6.I dont mean to be salty here but in my opinion only bjergsen and lustboy who
plays really good. But at the same time i do think that TSM really need to
change their top, jungle, and adc here peace out
我不是要哭哭啥,只是我覺得鼻爾森跟lustboy打得很好,但上 JG 跟 AD都該換人了
7.TSM's only hope is for a S4 Worlds scenario to happen. Unlikely win against
EDG and then a KaBuM to happen to FNC.
TSM唯一希望就是S4劇場再次上演 打贏EDG 然後FNC再KaBuM一次
8.There is something that I don't really see being talked about here: TSM have
no idea what to do against Urgot, especially in the bot lane. By letting
everyone and their mother have bot lane urgot paired with naut/ali you cannot
play an assassin mid, Bjerg's strongest picks, because you will have exactly
1 target. Botgot is also strong enough to win the 2v2 on his own every time,
freeing up the enemy jungler to just rotate between mid and top
simultaneously denying Bjerg's pressure and killing Dyrus.
The single pick of Urgot simply fucks the strength of TSM.
太長了,翻個大略: TSM對烏爾加特束手無策,當對方下路選了烏爾加特+海巨人,
9.The really depressing thing about this event is that MSI was supposed to be a
testament to how the East and West gaps were supposed to be getting closer,
but this is just showing that they've widened.
10.Watching Berj pick Cho'gath gives me the same sense of terror that Regi did
when he'd pick Twisted Fate
11.TSM lost this game in the pick/ban-phase. I have no understanding for the
choice of putting such a gifted person as Bjergen on afk-farmers like Cho and
Ziggs without (in my opinion) any play potential. If he could and would pull
out say Orianna the afk-farming would eventually take their later game to
another dimension with heavier presence in teamfights. It's so damn annoying
to see Bjergsen having played Ziggs and Cho for 4 straight games. The fact
that they banned out Zed, chose Cho'Gath and (probably) expected the Fizz
from Westdoor was just so damn stupid. Zed does perfectly fine against Fizz
and Bjergsen himself has been talking about this specific match-up in Zed's
太長了,翻個大略: TSM選角就輸了,無法理解為何讓鼻爾森選科加斯,
如果選球女會好得多 玩劫對飛斯也比較有搞頭
12.So can someone please answer a couple of things for me.
a/Why not first pick Maokai?
b.Where is Santorin? Pre 10 mins...
d.If you're going to pick kalista why not pick Kennen instead of thresh? It's a
great 2v2 and was proven to be great in your NA LCS Playoffs as well as in
other regions.
1.為何不首選茂凱 2.Santorin前10分鐘人在哪?
12.taiwan third best region i guess
13.Talk about throws @champ select. Games were over at picks and bans... You win
with assassin bjerg, safe turtle, tank Dyrus and then you decide to just pick
選角就輸了 遊戲在B/P的時候就已經結束了
TSM如果讓鼻爾森玩刺客 讓睡神玩坦 保野龜 就能贏
14.TSM won IEM to give all of NA false hope
15."we scrimmed AHQ and I thought TSM would be able to handle them easily." -
Doublelift 2015
我們對到AHQ然後我覺得TSM可以輕鬆獲勝 by 大師兄 2015
16.Can TSM pleae play Bard next game? Plz?
TSM下一場可以玩巴德嗎? 拜託~
17.I think Darien is back, just with a Dyrus mask on.
18.TSM - the real wildcard team
19.It looks like TSM already lost in their p/b.
TSM B/P就輸惹..
20.Lol...why WildTurtle thinks he can play Kalista, Ill never know.
真好笑 野龜哪來的自信他會玩Kalista?
21.I'm happy. TSM are way too cocky with trash talking, maybe this will shut
them up, at least for some time.
我挺開心的 TSM太驕傲且愛講垃圾話 也許這會讓他們安靜一段時間
22.Funny thing is Besiktas performed better against AHQ and even
Energy outplayed Westdoor 3 times.
有趣的是BJK對上AHQ還表現得比較好,Energy 甚至 outplayed西門三次
23.Why does Dyrus keep playing Hecarim when he doesn't know how to play it?
Why does Bjergsen not play a champion that he can use to apply pressure to
other lanes.
Why does turtle keep picking Kalista when he's played so well on Jinx,
Lucian, Sivir this split.
Why is Santorin Afk for the first 10 minutes every game?
為何野龜要選Kalista 不選Jinx,Lucian, Sivir?
24.NA was making fun of EU for losing to ahq, well looks like tsm got stomped
even harder
昨天北美還在笑說EU輸給AHQ 結果今天TSM輸更慘
25.AHQ beat TSM faster than SKT...
26. People freak out too much. Both EDG, SKT and AHQ members all have said TSM
is to be feared.
人們產生太多幻覺,因為賽前EDG, SKT and AHQ的隊員都說TSM很可怕...
27.Lets face the truth guys, it doesn't matter if you are from NA or EU, we are
both trash