[電競] GPL Summer W2D2

作者: vic830710 (vic830710)   2015-07-02 18:14:50
賽事賽程:今天對戰為 A 組
18:00 ZOT vs J2G 2:0
20:00 SAJ vs TCH 1:0
GPL的賽制滿詭異的 先將十六支參賽隊伍分成四組循環賽 每隊間各打一BO2
取分組前二晉級八強 再分成兩組後依然是分組單BO2循環賽 取前二進入四強單淘汰
現在在打十六強 魯呆隊PRS所在C組內剩下三隊為
1.Full Louis 內有S6閃電狼不知道會不會來的最後希望Sofm
2.吉隆坡獵人 內有剛轉JG的前馬來西亞汎神小王子JaeYoong
3.IPL(前IGL) 內有一堆新加坡知名選手 不過第一場還是被Full Louis電爆
神箭手ly4/GPL S3明星隊打野Harleluyar/打過上古S1世界賽的Zappy(darkness)等等
Chen "nyu" Hao is the Sub Jungler of the team. He is a seasoned competitive
player from Taiwan who have played for many splits of TLC in various teams,
but being in the GPL is his first. Grinding in Taiwan solo queue makes him an
experienced player with knowledge of a different meta, helping the team with
out with as much theorycrafting ideas as he can.
Chen "nyu" Hao是隊上的板凳打野。他是一個來自台灣的老練職業選手,曾多次以不同隊
http://goo.gl/0nJakv 本季台港澳唯一輸出的外援選手

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