As @RekklesLoL looks to continue his journey on the Rift, taking on a new
challenge and aiming to write a new chapter in his story, we wish him the best
of luck and our sincerest thanks as he departs Fnatic.
We're extremely grateful for his effort and commitment across the last decade
and only carry the fondest memories of his contributions to our organization.
He's cemented himself as a true Fnatic legend, and we can't wait to see where
his career takes him next. Thank you for everything Martin. Once Fnatic,
Fnatic 官宣,前 ADC,現替補輔助 Rekkles 離隊
同時 Fnatic 也發布了一部 Rekkles 的紀念短片
Rekkles 隨後也在個人推特發文表達對 Fnatic 的感激