yingjoy (穎)
2024-05-06 21:18:14Rotman/Sauder/Desautels MBA 申請心得(含時程、面試題目以及顧問心得)
NCCU 心理系雙企管系
GPA: 3.89
GMAT: 670
工作經驗: 外商獵人頭產業經驗五年,擔任管理職兩年半
Round 2申請
多倫多大學 Rotman 商學院MBA: Admitted with scholarship
英屬哥倫比亞大學UBC Sauder商學院MBA: Admitted
麥基爾大學 Desautels MBA: Admitted with scholarship
2023/04 GMAT
2023/09 TOEFL
2023/10-2024/01 與校友及AdCom約線上會議、準備申請文件
2024/01/10 Sauder面試
2024/01/17 Rotman面試
2024/01/19 收到Sauder錄取信
2024/01/26 收到Rotman錄取信
2024/02/07 Desautels 面試
2024/02/22 收到Desautels 錄取信
過去有短暫待過加拿大交換,又考量到加拿大友善的簽證政策 (MBA求學期間,伴侶能夠
量排名最終選擇申請位於多倫多 溫哥華 蒙特婁的三間學校。
繁忙希望多一個指引,我選擇與顧問(洛大衛 Admission Consulting)合作。在免費諮詢
式能涵蓋各個細節不遺漏,並且我也在修訂之中反思過去的工作成果,用context, actio
n, result的方式進行描述,對之後學校面試也有很大的幫助。
的長Essay是spike factor,最難的地方是找到好的故事題材進行延伸闡述自己的特質在
間完成測驗:類似托福口說第一題的口說兩題(90 sec)+十分鐘的寫作題。口試寫作題網
目,一個短兩個長essay 分別是1.如何貢獻給學校What actions will you take to cont
ribute to creating a respectful and positive RHL community and cohort experien
ce? 2.Why MBA & Sauder怎麼能幫助我 3.What does responsible leadership mean to
you in the context of equity, diversity and inclusion?
另外還有一個是Video Essay (60-90 Seconds) 是要先預錄好放在YouTube上: What is o
ne of the biggest challenges business leaders face today? How will the UBC MBA
equip you to respond to that challenge?
1.Why MBA? 短中長期職涯規劃? 學校怎麼幫你?
2. What qualities would you look for in an MBA classmate when working on a tea
m project and describe how your background and leadership skills will enhance
the experience of others?
3. Describe a difficult decision you made and the process that you went throug
h to make it.
模擬面試練習:在Rotman的申請文件完成後就陸續開始跟洛大衛Admission Consulting兩
位顧問Richard、Carrie(另一位)進行多次練習(從11月中開始到1月中)。 對於不擅長英
1/10 Sauder:
What will my colleagues describe about me? Which description do I disagree wit
h the most, and why?
Why Vancouver and why Sauder?
What is my view on EDI? What's the hardest part?
What does equity mean to me, and why is it important?
How do I handle stress-related questions?
1/17 Rotman:
Walk through my resume after graduating.
Why MBA, why now, why Rotman?
What's my plan after the MBA?
What other schools did I apply to?
What's my biggest contribution in the company?
2/07 Desautels:
Introduce my work experience. What do I do daily?
Why MBA, why now? Why McGill?
What are my short-term and long-term goals?
What will be the most challenging aspects of MBA study?
How do I handle people with different viewpoints?
What do Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mean to me?
How will I contribute to the class?
What's the most challenging aspect of my exchange at Schulich?
Is there anything else I would like to mention?
並且多跟校友聊(我一間學校至少都跟4到5位校友約coffee chat,比較能更了解學校的全