※ 引述《zzzy (Follow your heart)》之銘言:
: 9. Scott Rolen to the Twins for Tony Batista.
: For once, wouldn't it be great to see the Twins pick up a high-priced
: All-Star at the deadline? And if Tony La Russa is a managing genius
: worthy of two best-selling books, he'll find a way to win with Batista.
: And finally …
這一段是我覺得最有意思的部份,我不曉得 Jim Caple 是什麼來歷,不
過挑上 "名將" 之稱的 Tony LaRussa 就不容易。
Caple 說的是:
在 non-waiver trading deadline 之前,如果 雙城隊 願意撿個高價的