[影片] 2010 一些球員 highlights(上週十大好球)

作者: user043 (朝夢想邁進)   2010-11-04 12:56:05
http://tinyurl.com/38vg8g3 Pedro Feliz had 5 home runs in 137 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2ufkdhk Eric Chavez batted .234 in 33 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2uq7z2w Melvin Mora batted .285 in 113 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/3yroeuz Jim Thome blasted 25 homers in 108 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/38u5g5z Nick Punto had 20 RBIs in 91 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/373ycbg Nick Johnson hit .167 during an injury-shortened 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2ufd3qs Victor Martinez batted .302 in 127 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/36mzde9 John Buck blasted 20 homers in 2010 for the Jays
http://tinyurl.com/38lwjhh Miguel Cairo batted .290 in 91 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/39obnno Vladimir Guerrero knocked in 115 runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/34gyq9q Adrian Beltre batted .321 in 154 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2ucoj5p Hideki Matsui hit 21 homers in 145 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/2vdbbju A.J. Pierzynski batted .270 in 128 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/32qbzst Ramon Hernandez batted .297 in 97 games in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/36ejqhx Rod Barajas smashed 17 homers in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/37pc42x Bengie Molina batted a combined .249 in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/335plsx Derrek Lee hit .260 with 19 home runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/38jclz4 Carlos Pena hit .196 with 28 home runs for the Rays
http://tinyurl.com/3yxjry2 Aubrey Huff batted .290 and scored 100 runs in 2010
http://tinyurl.com/38mfpko Konerko hit .312 and scored 89 runs for the White Sox
http://tinyurl.com/25382q7 Adam Dunn mashed 38 home runs and knocked in 103 runs
http://tinyurl.com/362wrno 2010 Highlights: Feliz 137場 5發全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/33bqlwl 2010 Highlights: Chavez 33場 .234 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/35umpez 2010 Highlights: Melvin Mora 113場 .285打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/3aamwnh 2010 Highlights: Thome 108場 25發全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/32kymbq 2010 Highlights: Punto 91 場 20RBI
http://tinyurl.com/385vob3 2010 Highlights: Nick Johnson 在受傷前繳出.167打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/2ut3cer 2010 Highlights: Martinez 127 場 .302 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/2vvfgly 2010 Highlights: John Buck 20發全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/33wnxxo 2010 Highlights: Cairo 91場 .290 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/39rerqb 2010 Highlights: 老葛 115 打點
http://tinyurl.com/2v8fsp8 2010 Highlights: Beltre 145 場 .321 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/2v4v584 2010 Highlights: Matsui 145 場 21發全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/35lhyzk 2010 Highlights: Pierzynski 128 場 .270 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/32zrzd4 2010 Highlights: Hernandez 97場 .297 打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/372cg67 2010 Highlights: Rod Barajas 17號全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/3672qy8 2010 Highlights: 遊騎兵 Molina 打擊率 .249
http://tinyurl.com/397ef4y 2010 Highlights: Derrek Lee .260打擊率 19發全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/327lvh4 2010 Highlights: Pena .196打擊率 28發全壘打
http://tinyurl.com/2wshbxr 2010 Highlights: Huff 100得分 .290打擊率
http://tinyurl.com/35v7pnn 2010 Highlights: Konerko .312 打擊率 89得分
http://tinyurl.com/233uzys 2010 Highlights: 亞當 38發全壘打 103得分
http://goo.gl/Lvqj3 上週十大好球
http://goo.gl/k1aVj 今日快速掃描(鬍子男好帥....)
作者: jaysuzuki (我要成為核心王)   2009-01-04 13:18:00
給我更多cosplay!!! 說錯...更多嗨賴!!!
作者: nsync1220 (waz wrong with u)   2009-01-04 22:30:00
感謝分享! 不過老葛那個應該是115打點吧 XDD
作者: jchao (只想罩)   2009-01-07 14:37:00
淚推帥哥Eric Chavez

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