freesoul (No place like home )
2011-03-21 06:15:57※ 引述《poplc ()》之銘言:
: 8. Duke University Basketball
: 有錢惡霸(Silver-Spoon Bullies)
: 杜克迷老抱怨每個人都討厭他們,就像啦啦隊美少女抱怨每個人都痛恨她們,只因為她們
: 長的有夠正。抱歉,公主們!繼續自我感覺良好吧!(泡在自大中和Dick Vitale的舌頭浴)
: 當北卡州大知道這個笑話後就說:我們有腦,你們腦殘。
: 而杜克迷以聖歌方式回擊北卡州大:如果你考不上大學,就去北卡州吧!
: 這段話便是來自沒完沒了宣稱他們球隊是籃球界最強的那群粉絲。
: 這便是一堆大學運動迷最不了解之處:
: 當每個人都很賭爛你常拿冠軍,想盡新方法酸你還是讓你無法有點腦。
: 反而讓你更愛耍屌(It makes you a dick.)。
8. Duke University Basketball
Silver-Spoon Bullies
Duke fans who complain that everyone hates them because they're too good are
like cheerleaders who complain that everyone hates them because they're too
pretty. Sorry, princess!
Soaked with arrogance (and Dick Vitale tongue
baths), the Dukies have hit NC State with the chant "If you can't go to
college, go to State!" while UNC has gotten the blunter "We're smart! You're
dumb!" This from the crowd who interminably claim to be the classiest in all
of basketball.
被自大和Dick Vitale的恭維沖昏頭的Duke球迷曾如此羞辱北卡州大(NC State)的學生:
(Dick Vitale是ESPN的大學籃球球評,出了名的偏袒Duke)
(Duke, UNC, NC State三所學校都在附近,其中NC State的學術成就比起其他兩所學校
Here's what the most reviled fans in college sports don't
understand: When everyone already resents you for being a perennial national
champion, brainstorming new ways to make fun of people doesn't make you
clever. It makes you a dick.
這是大學運動中最被度濫的Duke球迷所不懂的: 當你們已經因為拿了一堆冠軍而被討厭