Vitus 2011-10-15 13:42:13By Peter Abraham, Globe Staff
Red Sox owner John Henry, angry with what he was hearing on 98.5 The Sports
Hub this afternoon, arrived at the station at 2:20 p.m. and demanded to be
Henry was primarily upset with the discussion between hosts Michael Felger
and Tony Massarotti regarding the Globe's story on Wednesday that detailed
the collapse of the team in September. He called their statements
Henry was allowed into the studio and, during a 70-minute interview, made
several revealing comments regarding the team. Primary among them was that he
opposed the idea of signing free agent left fielder Carl Crawford to a
seven-year, $142 million deal.
"[Crawford was ] definitely a baseball signing. In fact, anyone involved in
the process, anybody involved in upper management with the Red Sox will tell
you that I personally opposed that. They all know that," Henry said.
"I'll just tell you that at the time I opposed the deal, but I don't meddle
to the point of making decisions for our baseball people. Theo will tell you,
this was driven by our baseball people. It wasn't a PR move."
他說任何紅襪高層都知道他反對簽CC. 但並沒堅決反對,因為他認為他不該幫他請來
Henry also admitted that general manager Theo Epstein had received permission
to speak "with another team" and had told the Red Sox that he didn't see
himself as the general manager long term. Epstein has accepted a five-year,
$18.5 million deal with the Cubs and the teams are discussing compensation
for him.
Henry也說, Theo去跟其他對談是他們所允許的. 他說, Theo從不認為自己可以
"I'd love to have Theo back. I would have loved for Theo to have been our
general manager to be our general manager for the next 20 years. That was my
hope. That would have been my hope. But you don't always get what you want,"
Henry said. "I did everything I could, personally —and so did Tom [Werner]
and Larry [Lucchino] — to make that happen. But the fact that is, and I
think people don't understand this, the fact is that being the general
manager in Boston or being the manager in Boston is a terrifically tough job.
我當然希望Theo回來呀, 甚至希望未來20年都是他當總管. 但事與願違. 我和 Werner
Lucchino已經盡全力了. 但大家要知道,當紅襪的總管是一個超難的工作.
"He never saw the general manager's role as longer than 10 years for himself.
I mean, maybe he did early on, but, certainly, after a few years, he knew the
stress of this job was too much."
Henry說: Theo從不認為他可以當我們GM超過10年, 我是說... 剛上任時他應該認為
自己可以,但幾年之後, 他理解這份工作的壓力太大
Henry said that Lucchino is at the end of his contract, but will continue on
as team president. He said that Lucchino runs the team and has done a good
job of it.
Other subjects:
On the antics in the clubhouse: "If Dustin Pedroia didn't know, how were we
supposed to know? Told by Felger that Pedroia was lying, Henry shot back,
"You don't know Dustin very well."
對clubhouse的氣氛古怪, Henry說: 如果 Pedroia都不知道了, 我們怎麼可能
會知道! 主持人問說, Pedroia可能說謊, Henry爆氣說: 你不認識 Pedroia!
On the team's September collapse: "What happened is that our starting
pitchers had a 7.08 ERA. ... It was all seven of these guys. ... I didn't see
one player out there who wasn't busting his ass to try and win games."
對9月大崩盤的評論, Henry說: 我們的先發ERA是7.08, 但我們每個人都很認真
On Josh Beckett: "He's one of the most competitive guys I've ever met."
對Beckett的評論: "他是我遇過最想贏的人之一"
On the future of the team: "Everybody is blaming everybody for everything,
but we don’t blame everybody for everything. ... "But if fans hang in there,
I’m going to hang in there. We’re going to be back as an organization. We’
re going to have a top class manager and general manager, and we’re going to
have a great team next year. People right now are forgetting that this was a
great team before September. They’re concentrating solely on September. And
I don’t blame them for that. We are, too. We are concentrating on what
happened in September.
“But I love this team, and I’m going to do everything I can to get it back
to where it needs to be.”