前紅襪投手,27歲的Dustin Richardson藥檢呈陽性反應而遭到禁賽50場
But now more of them certainly do. For Richardson did not test positive for
just one performance-enhancer. His test sample turned up five banned
substances, a result that a spokesman for Major League Baseball acknowledged
on Thursday was “unusual.”
Others were less understated in their reaction.
“I’ve never seen a case like this, and we’re talking about 30 years I’ve
been doing this kind of work,” said Don Catlin, an antidoping expert and
former director of the U.C.L.A. Olympic Analytical Laboratory. “I’ve had
doublets and triplets, but to have five, and have it cover three different
subclasses of drugs, is unique, as far as I can tell.”
Richardson tested positive for three anabolic steroids — Methandienone,
Methenelone and Trenbolone — that are fairly commonplace on their own,
according to doping experts, but unusual in tandem.
On top of those, he tested positive for Letrozole, a drug that blocks the
enzyme responsible for the production of estrogen, a process that commonly
occurs as a byproduct of anabolic steroid use and is linked to several
undesirable side effects.
Finally, Richardson also tested positive for amphetamines, which have been
banned in baseball since 2006. Prescription medications like Adderall and
Ritalin, which are used to treat attention deficit disorder, can cause a
positive test for amphetamines, although it was not clear what drug
Richardson had in his system.