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作者: a52080035 (zkow S_cks) 看板: FBaseball
標題: [傷兵] Guthrie
時間: Sat Apr 28 14:21:20 2012
Jeremy Guthrie will be placed on the disabled list after spraining his right
shoulder Friday in a bicycle accident.
Guthrie suffered the injury when the chain on his bicycle broke and pulled
him down to the ground. While an MRI revealed no structural damage, he's
likely to miss the next couple of turns in the rotation. Guillermo Moscoso
will be called up from Triple-A Colorado Springs to start Saturday against
the Mets
簡譯: Guthrie在騎腳踏車的時候 因為鎖鏈斷掉讓他跌倒在地 造成肩膀扭傷 照過mri
後非為結構性傷害 會被放入DL名單 跳過兩次輪值