There's A Revolution Going On In How Baseball Teams Play Defense
EVER since the Cleveland Indians put three infielders to the right of
second base in 1948 against Ted Williams, a left-handed batter who rarely
hit ground balls the opposite way, baseball teams have deployed defensive
shifts against powerful lefties.
自從印地安人隊在1948年對Ted Williams在二壘右方擺上三個內野手,各球隊開始
Williams could easily have bunted the ball towards third base and
sauntered down to first for a single. But he continued swinging as hard
as he could, arguing that the defence would be irrelevant if he managed
to hit a home run.
Since then, the vast majority of hitters who have faced shifts have
similarly refused to change their approach. Their opponents have been
delighted to watch them pound ground ball after ground ball straight
towards the repositioned infielders.
Yet despite their effectiveness, defensive shifts have been a relative
rarity for most of modern baseball history. They have almost never been
used against right-handed batters: because the first baseman must stay
reasonably close to the base to receive a throw, there would be a gaping
hole in the defence if all the other infielders were on the other side
of the diamond. And even among lefties, only the most extreme pull hitters
have faced shifts regularly. When there is even a modest chance that a
batter will hit a ball towards third base, managers have tended to play
a standard defence.
In recent years the Tampa Bay Rays, baseball's most innovative franchise,
have abandoned this orthodoxy and begun shifting much more aggressively.
The Rays play in one of baseballs smallest markets and have one of its
lowest payrolls. Nonetheless, they have managed to make the playoffs in
three of the last four seasons thanks to their savvy management. Rather
than simply alternating between one of two infield alignments – normal
positioning and a Williams Shift – Tampa Bay has studied where each
opposing batter tends to hit the ball and concentrated their infielders
in those areas, even against right-handed hitters.
shift觀念。(中間關於經營狀況略過) 光芒研究所有球員的打擊習性據此調整內
The results have been remarkable. From 2009-11 just 22.4% of the Rays
opponents ground balls became hits, compared with 23.6% for an average
American League team. That difference may sound small. But it amounts to
an advantage of 21 hits per season – which translates into a 1.7-game
improvement in the teams won-lost record.
Signing a player on the free-agent market who would help the club by a
similar amount would cost over $8m. There is no way to prove that shifts
are the cause of this success – the pitchers might have induced ground
balls that are unusually easy to snare, or the infielders might simply be
excellent defenders (and at least one of them, Evan Longoria, certainly
is). But defensive positioning is by far the most likely explanation for
such a big, consistent edge over three separate seasons.
This year, the rest of the league seems to be catching up at last to
Tampa Bay. According to John Dewan of Baseball Info Solutions, a data-
gathering and analysis company, major-league teams are on pace to deploy
twice as many shifts this season as they did in 2011. Unsurprisingly, the
share of ground balls that become hits for the league as a whole has
dropped from 23.7% last year to 22.6% in 2012. In contrast, the proportion
of balls hit in the air that go for hits has fallen by only 0.3 percentage
points, an insignificant decline. Although the Rays are still easily the
leaders in the tactic – they are projected to put on 695 shifts this
season, over three times as many as their average in 2010-11 – they are
no longer alone. The runners-up are Baltimore, on pace for 386 shifts, and
Cleveland, on track for 342. Neither team was expected to contend this
season, but both are currently in first place in their divisions.
There are two potential interpretations of this trend. The pessimistic
view is that it shows that small-market franchises are doomed. Before the
Rays became successful, the Oakland Athletics used cutting-edge statistics
in the early 2000s to compile a winning team on a shoestring budget. Their
achievements were recently featured in the hit film Moneyball. However,
once richer clubs began using their methods against them, they could no
longer compete, and they have not had a winning record since 2006. The
same fate might well await Tampa Bay. Eventually, all the market
inefficiencies will be ironed out, and the only way for teams to win more
games will be to spend more money.
Fortunately, there is a compelling counter-argument to this dystopian
vision. Baseball strategy is not a puzzle with a single solution. Instead,
it is a dynamic system, in which a tactic that works against one approach
can be neutralized by another. And when it comes to shifts, the response
is as clear as the sea of empty infield dirt abandoned by the defenders
congregating on one side of the diamond. All it takes is a handful of
well-placed bunt singles to make the shift a losing strategy for the
defence. Carlos Pena of – who else? – the Rays has proven himself a
master of this riposte. As a result, he has enjoyed a double boost to his
production: he both secures free hits using bunts when he faces a shift,
and gets more hits on ground balls to the right side than do other lefty
sluggers, since the threat of his bunting means he faces fewer shifts than
they do.
一樣明顯:只要幾個觸點安打就可以讓shift變成防守的輸家策略。看看Carlos Pena
Back in the 1940s, Williams managed to be the games best offensive player
despite losing dozens of hits to the shift named after him. Today, the
game has evolved to a point where stars can no longer afford to be so
stubborn. Sluggers who can bunt are the new market inefficiency, and the
first team that has its power hitters practicing this wimpy technique will
enjoy a crucial edge. For all we know, Tampa Bay may be doing so already.
查了一下,Pena的生涯 觸點安打/觸點次數 為26/41,大約63%的成功率,如果從加