Rangers' Mike Napoli says he prefers catching, can 'feel a little lost' at
first base
拿波里:我愛蹲捕 當我站一壘時會有一點點失落QQ
Aside from money and location, there's another box that Mike Napoli would
like to check when he chooses his free agent destination this winter: the
chance to catch.
Napoli told Fox Sports' Ken Rosenthal that catcher is where he'd spend his
time, if he had a say.
"I’d rather catch than play first base," Napoli said. "Sometimes, at first
base, I feel a little lost. I just want to make the routine play. Knock it
down and flip it to the pitcher — that’s basically my mindset.
"I love catching. I like working with different personalities, just getting
trust from pitchers."
But there is one pitcher who proved to be a lot of work, even for Napoli. The
catcher told Rosenthal that early in the season, trying to call games for Yu
Darvish was mentally draining due to Darvish's massive repertoire of pitches.
According to Rosenthal, as Napoli was heading for his ice bath after
Darvish's first start, he told manager Ron Washington, "I’m going to get a
snorkel and ice my brain."
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