※ 引述《pujos (lks)》之銘言:
: : 去年有個右投手跟黑魔使一樣在剛滿29歲沒多久時簽了個85M/5yr新約,他一樣沒拿過CYA
: : 而他當時06~11年 6年的生涯平均一年吃189局
: : ERA+ 128
: : EAR 3.31
: : K/9 7.8
: : WHIP 1.165
: : 這位佛心來著的右投叫Jered Weaver,不知道鄉民們覺得他身價值不值20M/yr以上?XD
: 佛不佛心.看的是買方市場
: 實際上就是沒更好的約...
"I know people still talk about it, and how big some people still think it
is," Weaver tells USA TODAY Sports. "But honestly, I wouldn't change a thing.
It's tough for me saying the contract is a discount. Come on, it's $85
million. It's more money than I ever thought I would make in my life. I'm
happy with my decision, and I can just concentrate on playing baseball, which
is more important to me.