"I think the comment I made early, he made a big issue out of, and I don't
think he ever wanted to get over it."
Bobby V:「我想,他把我之前對他的評論看得太嚴重了,我不認為他有試著放輕鬆點過」
Valentine was alluding to a comment he made to WHDH-TV's Joe Amorosino on
April 15.
"I don't think he's as physically or emotionally into the game as he has been
in the past for some reason," Valentine told Amorosino.
Youkilis responded angrily the next day, meeting with both Valentine and Red
Sox general manager Ben Cherington.
"I'm more confused than anything, because I think everyone knows I go out and
play the game as hard as I can," Youkilis said at the time.
But it was obvious the relationship never healed.
Asked Sunday if it was strained, Valentine said, "I have no idea. It was
whatever he wanted it to be."
當星期天被問到他們的關係是不是很差,Bobby V說:「我不知道耶,隨便他怎麼想吧。」
Valentine strongly disputed he had any problem with Youkilis in spring
training, though he acknowledged he was aware that some teammates had issues
with the infielder.
"Yeah, I was aware of that," Valentine said.
Did the manager have concerns it could morph into a bigger problem?
"Don't know," he said. "What'd you think? I inherited that situation. I
didn't cause it."
Bobby V否認他在春訓時跟Youk有衝突,雖然他承認有些隊友似乎看Youk不太順眼