R.A. Dickey is going to write children’s books
R.A. Dickey‘s autobiography was very personal and very well received, and
now the Mets ace has signed a deal to write three children’s books.
Here are a few more details, from Publishers Weekly:
The first book in this deal, scheduled for fall 2013, will be a young readers
’ adaptation of the memoir. The second two titles in the deal will be
picture books, the first of which, Knuckleball Ned, is set for spring 2014.
The third book is not yet scheduled.
Something tells me if Dickey wins the Cy Young award this season he might
have another grown-up book in his near future too.
第一本書是童書 預定明年秋天出版 而且還會有第二本第三本...
如果今年繼續維持好表現拿到CY 就更有傳奇性和歷史價值了~~