[外電] B.J. Upton Now Differently Confounding

作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2012-09-12 10:51:16
B.J. Upton Now Differently Confounding
by Jeff Sullivan - September 10, 2012
Things to know before we proceed with this article about B.J. Upton:
關於B.J Upton 有些事情在閱讀下列文章前要了解:
(1) B.J. Upton is set to become a free agent after the end of this season,
and he is newly 28 years old.
(1)B.J今年球季結束後將成為FA 他今年28歲
(2) Yesterday, in the last game of a series between the Rays and the Rangers,
B.J. Upton slugged three home runs. They were his 19th, 20th, and 21st home
runs of the year.
(2) 在光芒跟條子系列賽的最後一場 B.J 單場擊出三響炮(19,20,21)
I was tricking you before — this article about B.J. Upton began with the
word "Things". Now let us move on to the rest of it!
Upton is no stranger to transaction talk, and it's something of a minor
miracle that he's still with the Rays considering how often he's been in
the middle of trade rumors. Now people get to talk about him as a potential
free-agent acquisition, and as a potential free-agent acquisition, Upton is
as confusing as he's ever been. I mean, on the one hand, I guess he isn't
confusing at all. He remains an everyday center fielder who is more than
capable of handling the position. Here are Upton's wRC+ figures for the last
three seasons:
B.J轉隊的消息一直沒有少過 但是都沒有被光芒交易出去
2010: 113 wRC+
2011: 115
2012: 113
[註]wRC+是根據wOBA來算出 再加上調整球場等 聯盟平均是100
I bet I can guess how projection systems are going to view Upton going
forward. But remember that Upton was the second overall pick in 2002, and
remember that he's always seemed capable of more than he's done. Upton,
like his brother, is blessed with more tools than you can keep in one shed,
but he only very seldom puts them all to proper use. Additionally, below the
surface, there have been changes, and it's those changes that I'm here to
talk about.
我打賭我大概可以猜出預測系統對於B.J未來的表現 但請記得他是2002選秀探花
B.J就像他的弟弟(Justin)擁有一身非常好的天份 但B.J目前卻沒完全展露出來
他目前有些改變 而這些改變將是我接下來談的
I think the easiest way to lay this out is like so: five years ago, Upton
finished with 93 unintentional walks and 134 strikeouts. That's a whole lot
of patience, from a very young player. So far this season, Upton has 39
unintentional walks and 144 strikeouts. Forget about the different sample
sizes and just focus on the ratios. Clearly, B.J. Upton has changed as a
hitter. And the evidence suggests that he isn't done changing.
五年前 Upton球季成績是 93BB(未含IBB) 134K 在年輕選手中 他是非常有耐心的
今年他只有39BB(未含IBB) 但是有144K
忘記那不同的樣本大小 我們來看看比率
明顯的Upton改變了 而且就目前觀察還再持續改變
Here is a very terrible graphic I whipped up to compare B.J. Upton to Bobby
Abreu. I selected Upton because this article is about Upton. I selected Abreu
because he was the first guy who came to mind when I thought about a
consistent veteran. I put part of Abreu's name in parentheses because he
seems old enough to just go by Bob now. We look at three different
plate-discipline statistics:
下列是個滿可怕的圖表 是用Upton跟Abreu來相比
I warned you before that this was terrible. Upton's overall swing rate is on
the rise, his first-pitch swing rate is on the rise, and his contact rate is
going down. Bobby Abreu has been Bobby Abreu. The once selective Upton has
become more and more aggressive, and still it continues.
嗯 看起來相當可怕
Upton的揮棒率持續升高 揮第一球的比率也升高 然後contact持續下降
Abreu看起來還是Abreu 看起來Upton的攻擊慾望持續攀高 而且好像還沒有停喔
Through August 10 of this season, Upton owned a .676 OPS. The
free-agent-to-be wasn't doing anything to boost his value, and then on
August 11, Upton hit two home runs. Upton hit three home runs yesterday, on
September 10. FanGraphs leaderboards have a very handy “Last 30 Days”
option in the pull-down menu for splits, and the last 30 days capture both
August 11 and September 10. Upton has been streaking. Over the last 30 days,
Upton has posted the fourth-highest wRC+ in baseball, at 193. He's right in
between Adrian Beltre and Miguel Cabrera, and that tends to be good company
as offensive statistics are concerned. Yet at the same time, over the last 30
days, Upton has posted the very lowest contact rate in baseball, at 57
percent. The next-lowest belongs to Chris Carter, at 63 percent. Upton's
hottest stretch at the plate by one statistic coincides with his coldest
stretch at the plate by another. Not that contact rate is even close to being
as important as wRC+, but this is weird. Upton has hit the crap out of the
ball. At the same time he's posted a lower contact rate than Aroldis Chapman
has allowed.
在8/10以前 Upton只有.676的OPS 這對即將成為FA爭取下份合約的他 毫無幫助
然後8/11 他單場扛出兩發HR 接著9/10單場三響炮
在FanGraphs leaderboards的最近30天裡(8/11-9/10) Upton成績狂奔
近30天 他的wRC+是193 就在Adrian Beltre跟Miguel Cabrera之間
但在這30天 Upton的Contact下降到57% 在這之上的是Chris Carter的63%
contact跟wRC+的關係算是密切 但這麼低的Contact卻有這麼高的wRC+ 滿奇特的
As the Rays have scrambled back into the playoff race, Upton has done a lot
to boost his value as a free agent, but even his value boost carries a major
red flag. He's hit, and he's hit for power, but how much of that can
continue if he keeps on swinging and missing? What is the story behind all of
the swings and misses?
正當光芒在進軍季後賽的路程中 Upton的火力讓他的價值暴升(尤其是FA)
他打出了很多的HR 但他可以持續這樣的表現? 尤其是在他持續降低的contact
Let's break Upton's 2012 season down, splitting after August 10. A table:
Split O-Swing% Z-Swing% Swing% Contact% 1st% OPS
Through 8/10 29% 71% 50% 73% 44% 0.676
Since 8/11 35% 73% 53% 57% 52% 1.050
I can't stop staring at the recent contact rate. It is such a low contact
rate. That is three whiffs for every seven swings. But one can't ignore the
far right column, and one can't ignore that the numbers in the far right
column correspond with increased aggressiveness in the other columns. Upton's
swung at more balls, more strikes, more first pitches — more everything,
and when he's hit the ball, he's pummeled the ball. He's hit the ball some.
我無法不去注意那Contact% 幾乎是揮7次就會有3次揮空!!!
但是卻也無法忽視那漂亮的OPS 他揮多更積極 但是球也飛的越遠
Right now, what's important isn't B.J. Upton's free agency. Upton and the
Rays are trying to get to the playoffs, and lately Upton has done a lot more
helping than hurting. Over 28 games over those last 30 days, he’s hit 11
home runs and also stolen eight bases for good measure. But what matters for
Upton's free agency is also what matters right now. And that's the question
of: how good is B.J. Upton going to be? He's a tricky one to pin down. Some
numbers suggest that right now he's locked in, and some numbers suggest the
very opposite. Some numbers suggest that Upton is beginning to really tap
into his abundant potential, and some numbers suggest that he's going to get
exposed once pitchers figure out what he's doing.
Upton跟光芒正在為季後賽奮戰 近30天的28場比賽他擊出11發HR外加8次盜壘
問題是Upton到底能有多好? 各種數據指出不同的面相 有的好 有的壞
For the final month or so, the Rays will have a player who is very good, very
frustrating, or somewhere in between. It'll probably be the same story for
Upton after this last stretch is over and he finds a new home. I don't know
what Upton's numbers are going to look like between now and the end of the
year, but for a month he's seemingly been all-or-nothing to an extreme
degree. B.J. Upton's hot streak has undeniably been a hot streak, but it's
been a hot streak far different from most.
在球季的最後一個月 光芒將會有一個很強,很掙扎或是在兩者其中的打者(Upton)
這種表現也會出現在球季後 或許在換個新家後
他現在很燙 但這跟一般進入暴衝期的打者完全不同
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2012-09-12 10:52:00
作者: Mooooose (養樂多'牛丼'披薩'筍乾)   2012-09-12 10:53:00
作者: abc12812   2012-09-12 10:55:00
Uptonz的reputation太差了 三四年40M上下就差不多了
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2012-09-12 10:56:00
如果Tampa 的 payroll 也有 125~150M or above
作者: abc12812   2012-09-12 10:56:00
我記得前幾年還有人說他跟當時的Melky Cabrera同級
作者: abc12812   2012-09-12 10:57:00
還是SI上的文章 不是嘴砲酸民
作者: mirrorlee (mirrorlee)   2012-09-12 10:58:00
作者: kusami (>.^)   2012-09-12 10:59:00
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2012-09-12 10:59:00
TB誇張的是投手 整個輪值都農場出來的
作者: Sparksfly (火光飛舞)   2012-09-12 11:00:00
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-09-12 11:01:00
光芒出品 還有誰敢賭嗎?
作者: SULICon (監工小學徒(〞︶〝*))   2012-09-12 11:02:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 11:12:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 11:13:00
因為光芒沒錢 而且還有建寧在等中外野的位子
作者: ss184 (雲淡風輕)   2012-09-12 11:29:00
正常價一年10M左右 不過有些GM是會花克勞佛或沃斯等級的約給他吧~ 10M我都覺得貴了="=
作者: abc12812   2012-09-12 11:31:00
他成績跟誇佛或Werth又不能比 reputation也差不會有人給他肥約的
作者: huso (胡說大爺)   2012-09-12 11:38:00
作者: newest (C'est la vie~)   2012-09-12 11:39:00
如果今年是TB 金鳥 NYY 3搶2個季後賽席次就好玩了
作者: tunababy (相信妳自己,真的....)   2012-09-12 11:39:00
作者: ethanptt (before the midnight)   2012-09-12 11:40:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-09-12 11:42:00
Michael Bourn, Cody Ross, B.J. Upton, Shane Victorino
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 11:42:00
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-09-12 11:42:00
10M感覺很少 這年頭隨便一個叫得出名字的大概都10M了...XD
作者: Fukudome (殘劍狂千秋)   2012-09-12 11:42:00
他今年在低點...我是很想叫我家GM Amaro簽下來
作者: mess0706 (我不是劉正 我是劉正倫)   2012-09-12 11:44:00
每次看他打擊都覺得很奇怪, 怎麼可以揮空率這麼高
作者: mess0706 (我不是劉正 我是劉正倫)   2012-09-12 11:45:00
每次跟Pena排在一起的時候 對手應該都很涼 XD但是他的身材實在不像是這麼瞎的砲哥阿~..
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 11:48:00
作者: bostonred (keep the faith)   2012-09-12 12:02:00
08季後賽把紅襪打爆 ><
作者: ocean11 (深海)   2012-09-12 12:02:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2012-09-12 12:04:00
老闆:不進場看球 那我哪來的錢留住球星 ( ̄□ ̄|||)a...
作者: sarspieya521 (HANA)   2012-09-12 12:09:00
作者: abc12812   2012-09-12 12:11:00
作者: abc12812   2012-09-12 12:12:00
球迷又不是像玩三國志一樣 一直徵兵就會長出來
作者: ohb (好勝的命運是失落)   2012-09-12 12:12:00
龍哥的約從14年開始連三年的Team option 而且他這兩年好痛..
作者: maikxz (超級痛痛人)   2012-09-12 12:13:00
事實上光芒戰機開始成長後 上座人數是一直在成長的...放走 CC 後 馬上跌回去魔鬼魚時期...
作者: cardfat ( )   2012-09-12 12:17:00
作者: Sparksfly (火光飛舞)   2012-09-12 12:18:00
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 12:19:00
光芒是票房探底, 沒什麼多餘的錢留人好嗎==
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 12:20:00
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 12:21:00
作者: noahlin (該怎麼說呢)   2012-09-12 12:24:00
不管誰簽走 變爛約的可能性很高...
作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2012-09-12 12:25:00
球場才是毒瘤 老闆有想花錢 但他想搬離聖彼得市
作者: ccf0423 (揮揮衣袖,兩袖清風)   2012-09-12 12:26:00
作者: maxspeed150 (聽說茉夏分手了)   2012-09-12 12:27:00
Upton很謎啊 當年的選球耐心完全消失
作者: ohmyya (三翻西施狗)   2012-09-12 12:44:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 12:52:00
光芒母球團其實不窮 只是因為球場偏僻加上球迷不願進場....
作者: ocean11 (深海)   2012-09-12 12:58:00
作者: sky419012 (fly)   2012-09-12 13:10:00
longoria目前是光芒的臉吧? 打線沒他差蠻多的...
作者: sky419012 (fly)   2012-09-12 13:11:00
其實沒有理由要放他走 球迷也很愛他
作者: delay815 (delay到爆)   2012-09-12 13:21:00
作者: holydon (0.0)   2012-09-12 13:25:00
作者: PlayStation3 (超級喜歡于小文)   2012-09-12 13:59:00
作者: ca1123 (It ain't over)   2012-09-12 14:04:00
作者: ca1123 (It ain't over)   2012-09-12 14:05:00
作者: Sparksfly (火光飛舞)   2012-09-12 14:09:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 14:26:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 14:27:00
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 14:27:00
球場也不是說搬就搬, 主要還是馬大魚搶先進駐邁阿密,
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 14:28:00
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 14:29:00
佛羅里達主要還是瘋美足啦, 聽前輩說10支大學頂尖隊伍有
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 14:30:00
四支在此... 但聖彼得堡遠離塵囂才是票房差的主因...
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 14:31:00
留不住大牌有影響但不是主因, CC穿紅襪後票房有跌但也不
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-09-12 14:32:00
多, 因為原本就沒有多少... 希望TB趕快搬離那個鬼地方==剛剛前面筆誤是聖彼得市
作者: porten812 (節能.減碳.發優文)   2012-09-12 17:08:00
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2012-09-12 17:12:00
9M to 12M的約 勉強可以簽得到
作者: Edwardex ( )   2012-09-12 19:13:00
作者: Edwardex ( )   2012-09-12 19:14:00
Michael Bourn比他老一歲 生涯平均OPS又比他低
作者: Edwardex ( )   2012-09-12 19:15:00
作者: bigmowang (Dan Uggla)   2012-09-12 19:22:00
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 20:01:00
BJ 一直都沒有醒過來 要是醒了價值絕對超過15M
作者: Connec (康奈克)   2012-09-12 20:02:00
而且他守備有時候會心不在焉 不然的話他算是向後跑很快的
作者: noahlin (該怎麼說呢)   2012-09-12 22:26:00
15M太多+1 OPS+105 WAR平均2.5 12M差不多吧 15M簽下去難保
作者: noahlin (該怎麼說呢)   2012-09-12 22:27:00
作者: subtropical (風大雨大)   2012-09-13 02:38:00
作者: Sparksfly (火光飛舞)   2012-09-13 09:30:00

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