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The Miami Marlins Are the Worst Collective Entity Ever
Jeffrey Loria? I used to think Loria was a dead-eyed grave robber, a fit
replacement for that scabrous garbageman Wayne Huizenga. But it's much worse.
Loria is a shambling colony of amoral excrescence disguising itself with the
skin of a human being. It no longer eats, as it gains all the sustenance to
perpetuate itself from the ruined dreams of children.
可是我現在發現他居然比我想像中還差. Loria是個道德淪喪批著人皮的囊腫. 它不吃
Bud Selig? He will inspire arguments for a generation about his tenure as a
commissioner, with every pro being met with a con and vice versa, until you
get to contraction and the shameful starving and execution of the Expos and
how he rewarded Loria’s dirty work by giving him a new franchise to despoil.
At which point it’s game, set, match to the Selig haters. If Selig had an
iota of shame, he’d contract the Marlins on the spot; ban Loria, David
Samson and the next five generations of their descendants from any major-
league stadium; and forbid anyone from ever mentioning the Marlins again in
any context. But ask anyone in Montreal if Selig has an iota of shame.
Bud Selig的功過將會讓後世人爭辯不休. 但是只要一提到Selig是如何無恥的把Expos
The Marlins? They are the worst collective entity ever. They are flesh-
eating mosquitoes surrounding an orphanage in some ruined part of the world,
bred by cannibals laying land mines. Not only that, they are the worst
collective entity the world will ever see.
現在的Marlins是史上最差的團隊. 他們令人厭惡的程度就像是一群吃人魔養出來專吸
In fact, the Marlins are…
…worse than the New York Yankees.
Yes. It’s true. They are.
實際上,現在的Marlins比Yankees還差勁 (NYY躺著也中槍)
The Yankees have values, and a code built from those values that they live
by. To be sure, they’re twisted and evil values, ones that teach their fans
that the appropriate soundtrack for the death of decency and fair play is
laughter echoing throughout the icy halls of an empty palace. But, well,
they’re values. The Yankees stand for something, however reprehensible that
something is to good-hearted people.
至少Yankees有原則. 無論這原則是多邪惡,無論這原則是多麼不公不義,但至少他們有
原則. 至少Yankees是為了某種原則存在,就算是有知之士是多麼唾棄這種原則
The Marlins? They stand for nothing. They embody the void — nihilism given
terrible shape as a franchise, devouring everything touched. The Marlins
are the entropic cackle that greets the death of everything.
而Marlins的存在毫無意義. 他們的球團不過是個空殼,碰到任何東西都會被它吸入萬劫