A’s donate full postseason share worth $34,325 to charity
I wrote yesterday about MLB distributing $65 million in postseason shares to
teams that participated in the playoffs and the A’s decided to do something
very nice with part of their $2.1 million allotment.
Each “full share” for an A’s player equaled $34,325 and at the urging of
Jonny Gomes–who has since signed with the Red Sox–they decided to donate
one full share to charity.
Susan Slusser of the San Francisco Chronicle has the details:
Players Trust ($10K) ,Sandy Relief ($5K) Strike 3 Fnd. ($5K), A's Community
Fund ($4K)...Donnie Moore Ministries ($4K), Big Brothers Big Sisters ($2K),
United Way ($2K) & Umps Care ($2K)
綠帽把季後賽獎金捐出部分給慈善機構! 連離隊的Gomes也不例外 善哉~