Pitchers Rich Harden and Brandon Webb both plan to return to
pitching in 2013, according to Jon Paul Morosi of FOX Sports (Twitter
links). Harden missed the 2012 season after undergoing shoulder surgery
while Webb has not thrown a pitch in the majors since 2009.
Rich Harden 和 Brandon Webb有意在2013年東山再起.
Rich Harden動肩膀手術缺席了2012一整季;
Brandon Webb自從2009年就再也沒回到大聯盟投球,
想到2009年我玩Fantasy Baseball 2支球隊第一輪都選Brandon Webb,
投一場爆掉就算了, 那一場之後就再也沒回來了.....
我老淚直流, 心中百感交集啊 Q Q