※ 引述《mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/c3dkpqq
: NYPost 在 Miami 拍到的...Derek Jeter.
: 雖然戴著 walking boot, 但是這身材....
: eh? 吃太好了??
: According to general manager Brian Cashman, Jeter has been in a non-weight
: bearing situation and will continue to be until January. That means if he has
: been able to work out at all, it has been limited to upper body because he
: can't put any weight on his left foot.
: 到底明年的隊長會怎樣咧?
Harold Reynolds had lunch with Derek Jeter yesterday and sets the record
straight on The Captain's weight.
不要擔心 MLB球評跟Jeter昨天共進了午餐