Rodriguez May Not Return To Yankees
Alex Rodriguez’s Yankees career could be over. The third baseman is unlikely
to play for the Yankees again, no matter what happens with allegations
linking him to a supplier of performance enhancing drugs, Bill Madden,
Christian Red and Teri Thompson of the New York Daily News report.
The hip surgery that Rodriguez is recovering from “will likely derail his
playing career,” according to the Daily News reporters. This would force the
37-year-old into a diminished role and could lead him to consider retirement
or a settlement. Even before this week’s news, Yankees officials had already
begun preparing for the probability than Rodriguez would not finish the five
years remaining on his contract.
Rodriguez could retire as a result of the injury if it's as serious as
expected. This could allow the Yankees to be reimbursed for up to 85% of the
$114MM remaining on his contract with insurance companies covering the bulk
of the commitment. It’s also possible Rodriguez could return in a diminished
role and decide to retire. Under this scenario the Yankees would discuss
settlement options with him, the Daily News reports.
即使近來身陷禁藥名單疑雲的 A-Rod 姑且不論這消息是否屬實
不過有消息來源說 他這次的臀傷可能會讓他面臨打球生涯提前終結
他這次的臀傷嚴重程度可能會讓他考慮未來的球員生涯 而得面臨是否繼續再戰的想法
先前 NYY 就有傳出可能考慮提前中止剩餘的五年合約 雖說是禁藥名單疑雲所引起的
如果他因為這個傷勢而提前退休的話 球團方面得跟保險公司商討理賠事宜
依照合約內容 保險公司將負擔剩下五年 114M 中的 85 % 球團只需支付 15 %
這乾無摳零 ??