nickyang (肌腱炎者少打字)
2013-02-27 07:53:25這篇的錯誤有點多,建議你不用太著急,慢慢看有把握再翻還是會進步的
: Profar 是公認最好的SS 第二名跟第三名是Javier Baez跟Xander Bogaerts
: high as Double-A. Baez plays with aggression but has a mercurial personality
: that turns some observers off.
: Baez出生在波多黎各 十幾歲搬到佛羅里達在Jacksonville打球 2011年11順位被小熊選上
: 2.6M簽下 被拿來跟gary Sheffield比較 2012開季在低階1A打出令人驚訝的好成績
: 後來升上高階1A打得掙扎 後來在普遍年齡比他高冬季聯盟打 2013年開季可能是在2A
: 打球積極但個性情緒化(turn observers off不知怎翻 請高手幫忙)
: Bogaerts在阿魯巴出生 2009年國際市場被以0.4M紅襪簽下 有很 solid的工具且比相對同
: 年紀球員Polish 2011年18歲在低階1A打得很成功 2012年1更進一步 以19歲年齡在高階
: 1A跟2A打出很棒的成績 他的個性 智力 各方面評價都是一等的 2013應該會在2A或3A出發
: Comparison: Both players stood out as amateurs and have moved quickly through
: their respective systems. Bogaerts has a clear edge with intangibles and
: makeup.
: 兩個球員都很出色 在所屬的系統都爬得很快 Bogaerts 在intangibles跟makeup都佔優勢
: His defense turned out to be better than anticipated at shortstop, where his
: instincts work well and help his range play up. Many scouts assumed he would
: have to move to third base, but that's no longer a foregone conclusion.
: Despite his average running speed, he is a skilled baserunner who swiped 24
: bags in 29 chances last year.
: 因為直覺好認他的守備讓他的守備長得比預期更好 很多球探預期他需要移防3B 儘管速
: 度普普 但是跑壘技巧不錯 29次盜壘成功24次
這邊是一個大錯誤,"assmued"是過去式,後面接would have
所以是「之前」球探認為他要轉3B (但這件事情不存在了)
: 打擊方面 他有出色的揮棒速度 棒子通過打擊區的速度可能比任何小聯盟的打者都
: 有力量把球帶到球場各角落 擊到球的瞬間 球會快速的飛出去 但是出棒實在太過積極
: 幾乎什麼球都輝 他是少數球員能夠有足夠的揮棒速度這樣做 但升上高層級 需要增強
: 對好球帶的判斷 讓他的能力發揮最大效用
: 拇指骨頭斷裂讓他無法在AFL出賽 但健康上無其它問題
: Bogaerts: Bogaerts is a 6-3, 175 pound right-handed hitter and thrower, born
: October 1, 1992. His weakest tool is his average running speed, but his
: throwing arm is very strong, good enough for shortstop or third base. His
: glovework at short has been better than anticipated, with instincts that help
: his range play up. It is no longer assumed that he'll have to move to third
: base, though he'll hit enough to handle any position. He runs decently but is
: not an aggressive stealer at this point.
: Bogaerts 6尺3吋 175磅 右投右打 1992 12月1日出生 最大的弱點是只有平均速度 但臂力
: 一樣夠當SS跟3B glovework比預期長得更好 直覺好讓他的守備範圍變大 以後會移防三壘
: 他有足夠的棒子能讓他夠格待在任何位置 跑壘不錯 但目前不會積極盜壘
這邊是第二個大錯誤,"It is no loner assumed",以前人們這樣認為(他得轉3B),
: Bogaerts有平均水準以上的揮棒速度跟炮瓦 調整很快 很少犯同樣的錯誤 有OK的本壘板
: 紀律 在升上2A後 2A投手讓打更常追打壞球 即使有本壘板紀律的問題 在2A的數據還是
: 很棒
: 目前無健康上面的問題
: Comparison: Their defensive profiles are very similar: both came into pro
: ball as shortstops destined for third base, but both played well enough with
: the glove to remain at the more difficult position for now.
: 兩個守備方面很類似 以SS進入職業 但註定會轉到3B 但都有足夠的棒子待在打擊要求更
: 高的3B
as shortstops destined for 3B整句是形容這兩人
後面"with the glove"很明顯講的是他們的守備
: On offense, I think Baez has slightly more pure bat speed than Bogaerts, but
: Javier's hitting approach is tremendously aggressive and has more risk to it.
: Xander can also get overaggressive but seems more amenable to coaching at this
: stage in his career, and continued to mash the ball in Double-A even with a
: minuscule walk rate. Baez had more problems making his approach work in High-A,
: a level that Bogaerts dominated.
: 打擊方面 baez揮棒速度比bogaerts好一些 但是 Baez的打擊型態極度aggresive 風險更高
: Bogaerts雖然也是過於積極揮棒 但在這個階段看來是可以改善的 而且升上2A即使保送率
: 低到不行 還是繼續屠殺投手 Baez在高階1A可能會與遇到更多困難 而Bogaerts2012年完全
: 制宰高階1A
Bogaerts is more amenable to coaching不只是說「這個階段」(這兩人都在低階又同年
: Overall, both project as .300+ hitters with power. Baez's pure upside may be
: a touch higher, but Bogaerts is more refined currently and has a higher floor.
: Baez is more of a threat on the bases.
: 整體來說 兩個都預期是有炮瓦的3成打擊率打者 Baez的upsides可能稍微高一點 但是
: Bogaerts比較refined 而且地板比較高 Baez跑壘方面稍微比較有威脅性
: Baez: Baez hit .333/.383/.596 with 12 homers in just 213 at-bats for Low-A
: Peoria last year, followed by a .188/.244/.400 mark in 80 at-bats for High-A
: Daytona. Thus far he is a .293/.342/.534 career hitter in 339 plate appearances,
: with 16 homers, 14 walks, and 73 strikeouts.
: Baez 去年在低階1A 213打數 .333/.383/.596 12HR 在高階1A 80打數 .188/.244/.400
: 目前為止生涯數據 339打席 .293/.342/.354 16HR 14BB 73 SO
: Bogaerts: Bogaerts hit .302/.378/.505 with 15 homers, 43 walks, and 85
: strikeouts in 384 at-bats for High-A Salem, then .326/.351/.598 with five
: homers, one walk, and 21 whiffs in 92 at-bats for Double-A Portland. He is a
: career .296/.366/.495 hitter in 1108 plate appearances, with 99 walks and 214
: strikeouts with 39 homers.
: Bogaerts 384打數在高階1A打.302/.383/.596 12HR 43BB 85 SO 在2A 92打數打
: .296/.366/.495 1BB 21 SO 生涯1108打席 .296.366.495 39HR 99BB 214 SO
: Comparison: They both mash.
: 兩個都打得很棒
: 如果養好 Baez預期會是3成打擊率且有炮瓦的打者 像是Gary Sheffield或是V Guerrero
: 雖然在SS會更棒 但是在即使待在3B也會是超棒
: Bogaerts一樣預期是有炮瓦的3成打者 也有機會待在SS
: Comparison: Their maximal outcomes are similar in my view: both project as
: All-Star caliber hitters who might stick at shortstop but would still be
: excellent even if they move to third base. Baez is two months younger, which
: is not a big deal.
: 兩個最好的結果都很類似 都是有可能待在SS的全明星球員 移防到3B 一樣會是很優秀
: Baez年輕兩個月 但沒啥差別
這邊"who might stick at SS"就延續了前兩個大錯沒翻到
: 結論:
: 很接近但是 目前Bogaerts領先 一樣優秀的 upside且比Baez Polish 雖然只稍長兩個月
: Bogaerts當然還要再修正 但baez需要更多調整