※ 引述《searoar (暗坑大豆)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/bqf3bb2
: is an overrated play.”
: Using the expected runs matrix at Baseball Prospectus (using 2012 data),
: http://www.baseballprospectus.com/sortable/index.php?cid=1122396
: runners on first and second with no outs yields 1.44 expected runs, while
: runners on second and third with one out yields 1.29 expected runs.
: 1.44>1.29 上太空的西瓜!!
: Theoretically, one would slightly reduce run expectancy by bunting. However,
: the certainty of scoring that one run goes up. Furthermore, bunting creates a
: more realistic opportunity for production than letting Loney, who posted a
: .630 OPS last season, swing away. Though I, like Maddon, think that bunting
: is overrated in many circumstances, that was not one of those situations.
: 但是給LONEY打就輸了GG
比賽前段或是打擊大戰用bunt當如不如用free swing
但也不能光用期望值就直接判斷bunt一定比較差 像比賽末段一分差決勝負
要重視的是variance rather than the expected value.
與其說西瓜上太空,不如說又看到一個亂用數據的人 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ