When Adam Jones, who has reached star level in Baltimore, was with Team USA
in the World Baseball Classic, he expressed how pleased he was that Willie
Bloomquist was chosen for the team. “I owe a lot to Bloomquist,” Jones
said. “When I got to Seattle, I thought I was something special. First draft
pick. Big money. You wouldn’t have liked me. I didn’t hustle the way I
should have on a couple of ground balls and Willie got all over me. I mean,
he (ital.killed(end ital.) me. I watched the way he played, hustling all the
time, and learned from him. If he hadn’t cared enough do it, I wouldn’t be
here in this tournament.”
金鶯明星外野手Adam Jones在打本屆WBC時表示很高興Bloomquist也入隊
Jones: 我欠Bloomquist很多 當我在水手時我以為我是天之嬌子 第一輪 高簽約金
你不會喜歡我的 我沒有作出應該的拼勁接某些滾球 而Willie拉正了我
我看他打球 一直都很拼 並且向他學習 如果不是他 我不會在WBC出賽的