原 po 恕刪
今天 John Rocker 今天在 CBS radio 受訪時語不驚人的做出以下看法:
“Honestly, and this may go against what some people think from an ethical
stand point, I think it was the better game. At the end of the day when
people are paying their $80, $120 whatever it may be, to buy their ticket and
come watch that game, it’s almost like the circus is in town. They are paid
to be entertained. They wanna see some clown throw a fastball 101 mph and
some other guy hit it 500 feet. That’s entertainment. You’re paying to be
簡單來說, Rocker 哥認為 steroids/PED 反而是讓球賽提升到另一個等級.
而球迷也應該得到該有的娛樂. 球迷也希望看到火球 & 幹大砲.