※ 引述《Malkovich (馬可維奇)》之銘言:
: 雖然看起來很故意,雖然Dempster事後表示他只是控球沒控好,絕非故意,
: 但似乎案情不單純....
Hamels suspended 5 games for hitting Harper
承認這是故意的= =
: Before you laud Ryan Dempster as The Defender of the Non-PED Users …
: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/08/19/before-you-laud-ryan-dempster-
: as-the-defender-of-the-non-ped-users/
: http://ppt.cc/PUCh
: The narrative after last night’s crazy Red Sox-Yankees game is probably
: going to center on Ryan Dempster hitting Alex Rodriguez with a pitch and all
: of the drama which surrounded it. That narrative is also likely to include a
: heavy dose of people excusing Dempster for throwing at A-Rod because A-Rod is
: evil and Dempster was standing up for those who don’t cheat, snitch and all
: of that stuff.
: Before you hop on that train, however, check out these tweets from hockey
: journalist Wane Scanlan, which were highlighted in Dave Brown’s post over at
: Big League Stew:
: Met Ryan Dempster in Detroit. Said he had an issue with A-Rod and would
: drill him first chance he got. Man of his word. #soxyanks
: — Wayne Scanlan (@HockeyScanner) August 19, 2013
: A-Rod snubbed Dempster at a public event. Dempster was not impressed.
: — Wayne Scanlan (@HockeyScanner) August 19, 2013
: Maybe it’s easy to hate A-Rod, but it would seem that Dempster already had a
: beef with A-Rod and it wasn’t about anything as high-minded as professional
: integrity.
: Whatever animated Dempster, it was still pretty stupid. Even if you hate
: A-Rod for all of the best reasons on the planet, putting him on in that
: situation and giving what has been a listless Yankees team of late some
: baserunners and some motivation was dumb. And, as we’ve said several times
: around these parts, throwing at batters is dumb as a general rule. If it was
: about some petty personal snub it was triply dumb.
: =====================
: 根據某記者轉述,Dempster會砸A-Rod很可能是因為之前的私人過節,
: 而非什麼看似崇高的原因。
: =====================
: ※ 引述《scimonster (紫色的初夏)》之銘言:
: : A-Rod 被判禁賽,現正上訴中,所以還可以繼續在場上比賽
: : 許多球員,其中不乏大牌明星,對此表示不滿、不公平
: : 從上訴至今,A-Rod 已經進行12場比賽
: : Ryan Dempster 是第一位明顯故意對 A-Rod 投觸身球的投手,藉此表示他的不滿
: : 請問各位版友,這樣的行為合理嗎?