[翻譯] 每日新秀:Chad Bettis

作者: zkow (逍遙山水憶秋年)   2013-08-25 02:17:35
每日新秀:Chad Bettis
Prospect of the Day: Chad Bettis, RHP, Colorado Rockies
By John Sickels on Aug 22 2013, 11:55a
Rookie right-hander Chad Bettis has a chance to position himself for a key
role on the Rockies big league staff in 2014.
The Colorado Rockies will send rookie starting pitcher Chad Bettis to the mound
tonight against the Philadelphia Phillies. He was roughed up in his last start
against the Baltimore Orioles back in August 17th, giving up eight runs in 2.2
innings, although only two of those runs were earned. He has four starts under
his belt since being promoted to the major leagues earlier this month: two
starts went well, and two didn't, resulting in a 5.30 ERA in 18.2 innings to
begin his career. With the Rockies out of the pennant race and looking to the
future, they have nothing to lose by putting Bettis in the rotation. Let's see
what they may get out of him.
他的上一場先發並不順利,八月十七隊上金鶯的比賽中,他只投了 2.2 局就丟了八分,
總合 18.2 局自責分率 5.30 。洛機已經季後賽無望而要展望未來的此時,他們不用擔
心繼續讓 Bettis 先發對成績的影響,我們來看看這名新秀吧。
Bettis pitched college baseball at Texas Tech. He struggled somewhat as a
freshman in 2008 (6.75 ERA over 12 starts) but was more effective upon moving
to the bullpen in 2009 (3.59 ERA in 73 innings, seven saves). He was used as
both a starter and reliever in 2010, going 7-4, 4.41 in 86 innings, collecting
10 saves, posting a 102/33 K/BB ratio. This got him drafted in the second round
that spring.
6.75,但在 2009 移到牛棚後好了很多,73局自責分率 3.59 ,七次救援成功。在 2010
He looked great in his pro debut, posting a stellar 1.07 ERA in 67 innings
between Tri-City in the Northwest League and Low-A Asheville, with a 56/13 K/BB
ratio. He was very effective in the California League in 2011, going 12-3, 3.34
over 27 starts, with a 184/45 K/BB ratio in 170 innings.
他的職業初體驗表現不錯,在 Tri-City 和 Low-A Asheville 合計 67 局的投球中自責
分率只有1.07 ,三振/四壞比為 56/13 。2011年他在 A+ 的加州聯盟先發 27 場,合計 12
勝3敗,170 局的投球自責分率3.34,三振四壞比為184/45。
Unfortunately, he missed all of 2012 with a strained shoulder muscle. Surgery
was avoided and the Rockies were cautious about bringing him back and pushing
him too quickly. He has shown no ill effects from the injury this year, posting
a 3.71 ERA in 63 innings for Double-A Tulsa before his promotion, with a sharp
68/13 K/BB ratio.
很不幸的,由於肩膀肌肉的傷勢,他錯過了整個 2012 球季。他不需要動手術,球團也對
他的使用更加謹慎。今年的初賽他似乎未受到之前受傷的影響,在 AA 出賽 63 局自責分
率為3.71,三振四壞比為 68/13。
Bettis is a 6-1, 200 pound right-hander, born April 6, 1989. His fastball tops
out at 96 MPH when he goes for maximum velocity, but he varies speeds with the
pitch. It is usually in the 92-94 range but he will work it as low as 88-89 MPH
with sinking action. His breaking ball is defined as a slider by scouts, but as
with the fastball he'll run up and down the velocity ladder; the slider can be
as high as 88 and as low as 75. Bettis has developed a good changeup to
complement the fastball and slider; Carson Cistulli has some video of the pitch.
96MPH ,但是他可以自在的控制快速球的球速而非一昧猛催。通常球速在 92-94 MPH,
但他可以投出 88-89 MPH且帶有下沉尾勁的速球。他的變化球被球探歸類為滑球,就像
他的快速球一樣,他可以控制這種球路的速度,最快可達 88MPH而最慢時則只有 75MPH
There was some question early in his career about his role, if he would be a
starter or reliever, but the development of the changeup fills out Bettis'
arsenal and makes it more likely that he'll start, as long as durability isn't
an issue. His command has wobbled in his first few major league outings, but it
was quite sharp in the minors.
Bettis is making the jump from Double-A without any Triple-A experience, so
some adjustment issues are likely unavoidable. Nevertheless, If he stays
healthy, Bettis projects as a solid mid-rotation starter for me.
Betties在沒有 3A 的情況下由 2A 值升大聯盟,適應問題自然是難以避免。儘管如此,
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