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2013-10-25 17:49:50聖路易紅雀 (STL) VS 波士頓紅襪 (BOS) (4 : 2)
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http://goo.gl/67GSUA http://goo.gl/oyvRcT Pedroia not sweating Lester
http://goo.gl/bXHPBJ http://goo.gl/DK3cD2 Wacha on eponymous milkshake
http://goo.gl/yHlfAY http://goo.gl/lGtHnD Matheny on Lester's glove
http://goo.gl/wH78qC http://goo.gl/hz4Txx Wacha vs. Lackey in Game 2
http://goo.gl/F9nPaE http://goo.gl/9Pm3KE Pedro reminisces about 2004
http://goo.gl/aNBw8j http://goo.gl/yOXA4m Lackey on World Series return
http://goo.gl/Kik4ta http://goo.gl/M8SlVK Lester on glove speculation
http://goo.gl/SVayca http://goo.gl/p5adM4 Breslow on World Series
http://goo.gl/RNTLRh http://goo.gl/27lu3Q Pedroia on Red Sox's role
http://goo.gl/1G8PJD http://goo.gl/i9fiJD Wacha on starting big games
http://goo.gl/tP7UgE http://goo.gl/69D8Az Matheny on Wacha's effectiveness
http://goo.gl/QXOz79 http://goo.gl/ek5Kbb Pedroia on Bogaerts' talent
http://goo.gl/WWhpNe http://goo.gl/iaB1ST Pedroia on Farrell, Tito
http://goo.gl/okKQkl http://goo.gl/KxNIV7 Farrell on Lester's glove
http://goo.gl/XFyRsy http://goo.gl/Cw9UKT Pedro, Lowe on current squad
http://goo.gl/77xGCB http://goo.gl/bRF6XT Pedro on working on TV
http://goo.gl/dlNKst http://goo.gl/Hm6FXn Pedro, Trot, Lowe on '13 Sox
http://goo.gl/c0lUIU http://goo.gl/ga6Dyc Robinson, Jay on Beltran's catch
http://goo.gl/s0kqI2 http://goo.gl/pyyZx5 Pedro, Lowe on their era
http://goo.gl/1KTocY http://goo.gl/9C087M Pedro, Lowe on Lester's glove
http://goo.gl/COzf5k http://goo.gl/3KYSud Selig presents Achievement Award
http://goo.gl/hhEkoL http://goo.gl/btwWgS Mo on new retirement plans
http://goo.gl/VNISDx http://goo.gl/Hwhz5N Selig on Cardinals-Red Sox
http://goo.gl/uy2QiR http://goo.gl/kJd3iX Martinez sobre regreso a Boston
http://goo.gl/3PzA68 http://goo.gl/wCTXKi Pedroia's diving catch
http://goo.gl/d76LB3 http://goo.gl/02j5YD Welcome to Wachtober
http://goo.gl/FupUQZ http://goo.gl/hoqWRt Molina's RBI groundout
http://goo.gl/j2PMRH http://goo.gl/TtsjmA Sox honor Baseball Tomorrow Fund
http://goo.gl/6XmGXM http://goo.gl/a2DYAT Wacha escapes the fourth
http://goo.gl/r6I69O http://goo.gl/PgJpva Holliday's fourth-inning triple
http://goo.gl/L8F2Mg http://goo.gl/aAnQOh Martinez gets out of trouble
http://goo.gl/4Eegi7 http://goo.gl/HhPN66 Cards turn two
http://goo.gl/RUIg1X http://goo.gl/v8u0gO Boston Marathon victims honored
http://goo.gl/C3rwjR http://goo.gl/whcmau Reaction to Ortiz's homer
http://goo.gl/jrnSWc http://goo.gl/xrb1xa Taylor performs national anthem
http://goo.gl/dRMRHI http://goo.gl/ybjyJz Xander's diving catch
http://goo.gl/Sgy4xA http://goo.gl/S1CPME Beltran's first-inning single
http://goo.gl/j0GCpn http://goo.gl/M1qMKm Papi's two-run homer
http://goo.gl/AOVTdQ http://goo.gl/TWKHru Robinson delivers game ball
http://goo.gl/jWfltr http://goo.gl/xnzVLq Papi with '04 teammates
http://goo.gl/qepI6y http://goo.gl/2Q5gl2 Selig, Mo on achievement award
http://goo.gl/BseG9Z http://goo.gl/9q1X3c Beltran's RBI single
http://goo.gl/JavWqA http://goo.gl/vKkvBt HR de Big Papi
http://goo.gl/1hRPtc http://goo.gl/2OhR3e Cards take lead
http://goo.gl/CvLViQ http://goo.gl/UE5eIF Cards' double steal
http://goo.gl/iKL0zj http://goo.gl/3uvkVc Beltran extiende la ventaja
http://goo.gl/Q4LTQP http://goo.gl/zPL3Ks Drew's great play ends fourth
http://goo.gl/S4Adpy http://goo.gl/uzMppz Red Sox welcome Mariano
http://goo.gl/DJ8ftQ http://goo.gl/BhIRbM Drew's great play
http://goo.gl/urQIhW http://goo.gl/tbux6Q Mo on receiving award
http://goo.gl/l5YjAG http://goo.gl/QhUAFM Kozma's barehanded play
http://goo.gl/90l1pH http://goo.gl/nhxUqA Carpenter on Wacha's postseason
http://goo.gl/eIT9aW http://goo.gl/U7Xp6Y Rosenthal shuts the door
http://goo.gl/MOGyPv http://goo.gl/mB6Ens Wacha's parents on Michael
http://goo.gl/amtcDJ http://goo.gl/5PQ40Z Peavy on pitching in WS
http://goo.gl/aHCBo6 http://goo.gl/AQmCa6 Wacha earns the win
http://goo.gl/gzZNzg http://goo.gl/YqZCEC Lackey's solid Game 2 start
http://goo.gl/SW8t6c http://goo.gl/OPD503 Sox, Mass General help veterans
http://goo.gl/21n09A http://goo.gl/TzrREX Farrell on Game 2 loss
http://goo.gl/hnZVcJ http://goo.gl/MpELLB Martinez on facing Ortiz
http://goo.gl/gYYLj8 http://goo.gl/L4wH5w Matheny on Game 2 win
http://goo.gl/NNUr7J http://goo.gl/Sii4wT Matheny on young bullpen
http://goo.gl/HpDvQ8 http://goo.gl/0TORve Wacha works out of trouble
http://goo.gl/3pZ0y8 http://goo.gl/BDtxL2 Matheny on Beltran's performance
http://goo.gl/bfo3fb http://goo.gl/eGjfnO Cards rally in seventh
http://goo.gl/76rQiv http://goo.gl/uRSGHn Rosenthal fans side for the save
http://goo.gl/8UacdP http://goo.gl/VVJ1fZ Martinez strikes out Pedroia
http://goo.gl/pTmkGK http://goo.gl/Dq0PV2 Matheny on Wacha's performance
http://goo.gl/RbUlXJ http://goo.gl/4AsaeG Lackey on frustrating loss
http://goo.gl/WNV7X2 http://goo.gl/gyFZOU Nelson revisits Green Monster
http://goo.gl/pfYZ3g http://goo.gl/ZwGw6w Farrell on Ortiz playing first
http://goo.gl/HLHp87 http://goo.gl/lxR17R Martinez confia en su brazo
http://goo.gl/8Tss1h http://goo.gl/0NGdrK Perez, Beltran share history
http://goo.gl/nAKknr http://goo.gl/27QRLB Farrell on play at the plate
http://goo.gl/1JSBDo http://goo.gl/e2t6KI Red Sox World Series win streak
http://goo.gl/qhNHgZ http://goo.gl/uOz4zr WS Gm2: FOX Super Slo-Mo
http://goo.gl/w9YtFs http://goo.gl/LMz64e Ortiz on Game 2 loss
http://goo.gl/nFCFJ0 http://goo.gl/55s8zv Breslow on Game 2 loss
http://goo.gl/OBwPqp http://goo.gl/zAbiS9 Beltran on Game 2 win
http://goo.gl/ghc2tb http://goo.gl/3ojVyb Red Sox on Game 2 loss
http://goo.gl/r1Ez5h http://goo.gl/k3l8CA Must C: Closer
http://goo.gl/22BCKD http://goo.gl/ofULzq Must C: Crushed
http://goo.gl/uEk1g1 http://goo.gl/YgW2jO Cardinals on Game 2 win
http://goo.gl/DhUzmG http://goo.gl/CcoL4s Wacha on Cards' Game 2 win
http://goo.gl/Ew4bC3 http://goo.gl/QMsK0s MLB.com recaps Game 2
http://goo.gl/FWF2zQ http://goo.gl/fN9rzh Cards, Sox on seventh inning
http://goo.gl/qYsCYn http://goo.gl/cvLjjX Must C: Crucial
http://goo.gl/mlbEJ2 http://goo.gl/18uVI5 Recap: STL 4, BOS 2
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http://goo.gl/mlbEJ2 http://goo.gl/18uVI5 Recap: STL 4, BOS 2
http://goo.gl/jsdqTa http://goo.gl/ZqCvNn 2013-10-25 Top 5 Plays of the Day
http://goo.gl/D5HoFO http://goo.gl/BnjlMZ 2013-10-24 Top 5 Plays of the Day
http://goo.gl/ONLdBF http://goo.gl/ikm0x5 2013-10-23 Top 10 Plays of the Week
http://goo.gl/gPTiQ4 http://goo.gl/wQJnOJ 2013-10-24 快速掃描
http://goo.gl/bsHgMW http://goo.gl/Tv7d7Y 2013-10-01 守備精華