betadu (正直有為電鋸弟弟)
2015-05-29 11:59:17你用BB%和Swing%會有盲點,很可能是因為他狀況好,所以投手閃他,沒好球打
Season O-Swing% Z-Swing%
2015 30.2 % 70.4 %
Total 34.3 % 74.4 %
※ 引述《checktime (華哥)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/ph6z6wm USA TODAY SPORT
: 哈波怎麼了? (點選連結可看詳細內文)
: 練出火眼金睛? 變得很會選球!!
: 其中一個表格:
: Year P/PA BB% Swing% Fastaball% Hard-hit%
: 2012 3.85 9.4 50.2 45.9 30.1
: 2013 3.94 12.3 49.3 49.9 35.6
: 2014 3.89 9.6 51.2 53.8 30.2
: 2015 4.36 21.0 45.2 56.7 42.0
: It’s nuts. Harper has started the season so well that only an injury or
: an unprecedented slump will keep it from being by far the best of his young
: career. And a look at some of Harper’s numbers suggests the difference has
: come from improved plate discipline.
: In the early part of 2015, Harper saw significantly more pitches per plate
: appearances (P/PA) than he ever did in the past — jumping from a slightly
: above average 3.89 figure to a 4.36 mark that ranks second in the Majors.
: Harper has swung less frequently and walked far more often.
: And though it could be in part a function of the pitchers he has faced to
: date, Harper has seen a higher percentage of fastballs — the pitch on which
: he does the most damage — than he ever did earlier in his career. His
: percentage of hard-hit balls, as tracked by Baseball Info Solutions, has
: spiked in turn. From the looks of the numbers, Harper is doing a much better
: job choosing when to swing than he did in the past — “hunting his pitches,”
: to echo a phrase frequently used by veteran MLB hitting coach Dave Hudgens.