巴爾的摩太陽報:Orioles fire 11 members of scouting, front office departments:
‘We're in a period of change’
這次被炒的球探Dean Albany, Jim Howard, John Gillette and Nathan Showalter(休總
Howard在09跟12拿過隊內的Jim Russo獎
“There are changes going on in the scouting business in terms of greater avai
lability of information in general, video and data,” Elias said. “It just ch
anges the way that scouts do their job.It just changes the way that scouts do
their job. I'm a scout by trade, and a lot of these guys I've been scouting wi
th for 12 years, and I spent five years as an area scout. So I have as much ap
preciation for what they do, what they offer, how they go about their jobs as
anyone. And it's not a profession that's
going away. But it is changing. It's been changing for 70 years, 80 years. The
information landscape changes. The player landscape changes, and we need to a
dapt with that.”
change or go home,大概4醬
備註: 在被挖角前Elias是宇宙人的GM 二把手