UPDATE ON KEVIN PILLAR FLUSHING, N.Y., May 18, 2021 — The New York Mets have announced the following update regarding outfielder Kevin Pillar. After being hit by a pitch in the top of the seventh inning last night, Pillar suffered multiple nasal fractures. He will be meeting with a facial specialist in Atlanta to determine next steps. Kevin Pillar 稍早遭到勇士隊投手的94英哩速球直接砸中鼻子 整個畫面相當怵目驚心,而他也隨即退場接受治療 受傷片段: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjjZFj5dhLk 大都會隊官方在剛剛對外公佈他的最新傷勢狀況,Pillar的鼻子有多處出現骨折 至於接下來還會找亞特蘭大當地專家諮詢意見再決定下一步 來源: https://newyorkmets.medium.com/update-on-kevin-pillar-e475b4d6c186