無意中看到的 我想大家都懂英文 就甭翻譯了吧 大蓋點一下重點XD http://www.ttrweekly.com/site/2014/06/purple-line-progress/ Purple line progress BANGKOK, 2 June 2014: Test runs of the Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand Purple Line will begin December 2015, one year ahead of schedule, according Thailand’s National News Bureau. 曼谷MRT紫線將在2015年12月進行測試 MRT紫線為曼谷MRT的第2條,加BTS為第4條 The 23.5 km route starts in Bang Yai, crosses the River Chao Phraya and ends at Bang Sue station where the MRTA’s underground links commuters to downtown business districts. There will be 16 stations along the train’s elevated route. 全線23.5km 16個站均為高架 Work is also progressing on the red line rail link that also starts at Bang Sue and heads north along a 35 km route to Rangsit and the sprawling Thammasat University complex north of the city. A section between the Airport Rail link and Bang Sue the junction where the red line will start is still in the blueprint stage, meaning the two ends of the system could be ready and running before the 12-km mid or joining section is built. 另外提及進展中的是紅線(國鐵捷運) 並將機場線延伸到Bang Sue 此站目前建設中(?) 未來將成為結合MRT藍線、紅線通勤鐵路、機場快線和(高鐵?XD)的總站 擬替代目前的華藍蓬 PS. 英文維基: The State Railway of Thailand and the Ministry of Transportation have decided to build a large main station here and moving all train destinations for Bangkok Railway Station to end here instead. In addition to adding a few commuter services, the high-speed rail and Suvarnabhumi Airport Link will also be available for service and use.[1] Currently the construction of the new station has started as ground work is under way. 紫線的走向可參考此圖: http://ppt.cc/eMkc 建造路段為Tao Pun=Khlong Bang Phai 為獨立路線 未連結其他路線 只能說東蓋一條 西湊一條 欠缺整體規畫 XD