Khans of Tarkir的新預告片
* WBG. The Azban Houses 綠白 黑
Dragon aspect: Endurance. (耐性)
Symbol: Scale of the Dragon. (龍之鱗)
Khan: Anafenza
* URW. The Jeskai Way 白藍 紅
Dragon aspect: Cunning. (狡詐)
Symbol: Eye of the Dragon. (龍之眼)
Khan: Narset
* BGU. The Sultai Brood 藍黑 綠
Dragon aspect: Ruthlessness. (無情)
Symbol: Fang of the Dragon. (龍之牙)
Khan: Sidisi
* RWB. The Mardu Horde 黑紅 白
Dragon aspect: Speed. (速度)
Symbol: Wings of the Dragon. (龍之翼)
Khan: Zurgo Helmsmasher
* GUR. The Temur Frontier 紅綠 藍
Dragon aspect: Savagery. (野蠻)
Symbol: Claw of the Dragon. (龍之爪)
Khan: Surrak Dragonclaw