Memnite 2e
Signal Pest 4c
Mox Opal(舊版) 2e
Glimmervoid 2e
Blinkmoth Nexus(舊版) 1簡中
Terminate(全圖) 1e 400
Fulminator Mage(舊版) 1e 650
Gravecrawler 4fe 300 (4張1000)
Jenara, Asura of War 1fe 900
Underworld Coinsmith 1fe 50
以下起源閃 前面為編號
179 The Great Aurora 1fe 200
093 Despoiler of Souls 1fe(一般閃) 100
019 Hixus, Prison Warden 1fe(一般閃) 30
173 Dwynen's Elite 1fe 150
012 Enlightened Ascetic 1fj 10
113 Rabid Bloodsucker 1fe 10
037 Totem-Guide Hartebeest 1fe 10
085 枯靈法師 1fc 10
132 Bellows Lizard 1fe 10
Obelisk of Urd 3e1fe 210/270(全收700)
Hangarback Walker 1c2e 450(全收1200)
Reflecting Pool 1j 150
Rally the Ancestors 3j 100 (3張250)
Demonic Pact 1e 250
Erebos's Titan 1e 150
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh 1e1j 350/400
Goblin Piledriver 1e 300
Abbot of Keral Keep 1j 250
Exquisite Firecraft 1j 300
Willbreaker 1j 10
Thopter Spy Network 1j 150
Animist's Awakening 1j 50
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen 1e 50
Caves of Koilos 1e 30
Battlefield Forge 1j 50
全部打包給個整數 10000