※ 引述《qscxz (奈米哥)》之銘言
: 吃飯前就覺得有微微想大便
: 但沒到超想大
: 結果吃飯吃到一半超想拉屎
Colonic mass movements
Peristalsis in the ileum forces chyme into the caecum. Distention of the caecum
triggers the gastric colic reflex and colonic mass movements begin. Stimulated b
y stomach distension and colonic irritation, mass movements usually occur three
or four times a day, often during or immediately after meals. These strong waves
, which can last up to 30 minutes
: 媽的 只好狼吞虎嚥快點喀完便當
: 坐在馬桶上想多久沒大便
: 好像三天吧...