※ 引述《leonnoel (聖誕節獅子)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述 《leonnoel (聖誕節獅子)》 之銘言
: : https://bit.ly/3vImEmT
: :
: : 烏克蘭北方戰區司令部攔截到俄羅斯國防部機密文件,文件是3/1號簽署,上面記載俄國
: 國
: : 防部下令取走俄國戰死士兵的文件,並在晚上轉移俄國軍人遺體,準備挖掘大型掩埋坑或
: 丟
: : 棄戰死軍人遺體
: :
: : 心得:
: : 俄國戰死人數應該真的不少,都下令要挖掘大型掩埋坑了,但是這樣對士氣影響很大吧,
: 我
: : 為國家捐軀結果是被埋葬在萬人塚或是甚至根本沒有被帶回安葬,連家人會不會收到通知
: 或
: : 是拿到撫卹金都不知道,還不如去投降烏克蘭,至少有保證應該能回家團圓
: :
: : 補一下臉書連結及文件
: : https://www.facebook.com/504269096420560/posts/2092290710951716/
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: : https://i.imgur.com/dLjdRDZ.jpg
: : https://i.imgur.com/8xjbhwG.jpg
: :
: : 再補
: : 小弟用Google翻譯一下文件內容
: : https://i.imgur.com/CUl7tfj.png
: : https://i.imgur.com/K8KzYF2.png
: :
: : 該文件內容說因為烏克蘭成立戰俘心戰頻道(rf200那個電報頻道)所散布的"假消息"
: : 採取一下五點
: : 1.3/1開始參與烏克蘭特定行動的人員,身份證明文件都要收繳
: : 2.盡快自特定行動地區轉移戰死人員遺體
: : 3.3/1起秘密轉移遺體至後方永久處置所,大型掩埋坑包含白俄羅斯境內
: : 4.如上述遺體後送情形不可能,現場摧毀戰死遺體
: : 5.3/1起將此命令下達給參與特定行動的指揮官
: :
: 更新後續
: https://bit.ly/3tT3Yyr
: 基輔獨立報最新的消息
: 白俄羅斯民眾稱白俄羅斯的停屍間塞滿了俄國士兵的遺體,俄國士兵遺體由卡車載來,再透
: 過火車或飛機運回俄羅斯
: 白俄羅斯的莫濟裡、霍梅爾及納魯利亞城市的停屍間都已滿
: 好可怕....俄國戰死到底多少人,三個城市停屍間都已經堆滿俄軍遺體,還一直透過火車飛
: 機轉移回俄羅斯,不知道真實死傷究竟多少,更遑論無法運回來的遺體...而且這只是西北
: 線那邊的吧
They rot and stink: Bodies of Russian soldiers pile up at morgue in Belarus, says report
Ukraine-Russia war news: The bodies of Russian soldiers have reportedly piled up at a morgue in the Belarusian city of Mozyr.
India Today Web Desk
March 12, 2022UPDATED: March 12, 2022 09:02 IST
Bodies of Russian soldiers have accumulated at a morgue in the Belarusian city of Mozyr, according to the BBC in Russia.
Earlier, Belarusian and Ukrainian independent media reported that hospitals in southern Belarus were overflowing with the bodies of Russian soldiers who lost their lives after Russia invaded Ukraine.
As per the BBC report quoted by NEXTA media organisation, the bodies at the morgue in Mozyr are not being taken to a refrigerator but being stored in ordinary 5x5 feet rooms.
BBC引用 NEXTA的報導,送往莫札爾殮房的遺體已經不再裝入冰箱儲存,而是直接被疊在許多不到一坪大房間內。
"They rot, they stink - then the bodies are taken away somewhere. The soldiers themselves do this. Everything is guarded. Only the head of the department has access," the report said.
The BBC source added, "No one knows how many dead bodies there are, but everyone is horrified by what's happening. Doctors think that there is a mobile crematorium or they just bury them somewhere."
Russia's neighbouring country Belarus has openly declared its support for Moscow in the war.
Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 and went on to launch strikes across the country. The war has triggered a massive refugee crisis and resulted in the death of several hundred civilians.
Ukraine has claimed that more than 12,000 Russian troops have been killed in the war so far.
假如一個三米高 一坪大的房間 裡面可堆多少屍體
考量到門的高度 大約25具吧 好幾個這種房間 算三個那大約75具
殮房本身先塞滿才會用到這種房間 可以概估莫札爾市放了大約一百具屍體
要看到腐敗 大約放了三天
有三個城市 每三天塞100 共300
那打了十六天 至少有1600具屍體