US Army terminates Strategic Long-Range Cannon science and technology effort
The U.S. Army has decided to cancel the science and technology research
effort for a potential program to develop a strategic long-range cannon, the
service confirmed.
Long-Range Precision Fires is a top priority for the Army when it comes to
developing a modernized force capable of facing off against near-peer
adversaries like China. The Strategic Long-Range Cannon, or SLRC, could
provide a way to achieve artillery ranges of 1,000 nautical miles.
Congress directed the Army to stop funding the long-range cannon in its
fiscal 2022 appropriations act, and “based on that direction, the Secretary
of the Army decided to terminate the [SLRC] project this year,” Ellen
Lovett, Army spokesperson said in a May 20 statement to Defense News.
白話 帝國陸軍停止幫戰略超長程開發計畫出錢
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