[新聞] 英國與北約部隊為可能的俄羅斯入侵做準

作者: washwall (Ddd )   2025-01-22 17:13:25
The mirror, 2025/1/21
英軍已前往羅馬尼亞與保加利亞,參與名為「Steadfast Dart」的北約行動。英國政府官員
參與這項為期超過一個月的大型演習,時程橫跨俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的周年紀念日。約有 2,5
00 名現役人員參與此演習,演習自上週啟動,一路持續到 2 月 24 日(入侵周年)之後。
該行動名為「Steadfast Dart」(簡稱 STDT25),北約表示此演習旨在「測試並訓練 2024
年盟軍反應部隊(Allied Reaction Force, ARF)的部署與支援能力」。儘管官方聲明指
本次 STDT25 演訓於羅馬尼亞和保加利亞登場,目標是「專注於危機前多領域行動的規劃與
斯· 柯爾曼(Alex Coleman)向 PA 新聞社表示,這次「龐大規模」的移動會展現英軍?
近期德國高階軍方人士警告,俄羅斯總統弗拉迪米爾· 普丁(Vladimir Putin)正加速?
其軍隊,可能準備攻擊北約成員國。德國少將克里斯蒂安· 弗羅伊丁(Christian Freud
英國計畫利用將於 2 月 26 日結束的「Steadfast Dart」演習,展現自身在對抗俄羅斯時
的主導地位。英國武裝部隊部長盧克· 波拉德(Luke Pollard)本月稍早表示,政府希?
他在聲明中提到:「Steadfast Dart 演習展現我們對北約的堅定承諾,也凸顯英國在此聯
British and NATO troops preparing for possible Russia invasion as thousands trav
el to Europe
Troops have travelled to Romania and Bulgaria to participate in NATO operation S
teadfast Dart, which ministers hope will serve as a valuable proving ground for
the British Army
British troops are travelling en masse to continental Europe to participate in m
ajor NATO-led drills designed to wargame mass mobilisation, amid threats that Ru
ssia could attack allied nations.
Thousands of soldiers and transports have been dispatched East to take part in t
he massive drills that will fall over more than a month, including the date mark
ing the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Around 2,500 serving person
nel are taking part in the drills, which started last week and will last until b
eyond the key date on February 24.
Known as Steadfast Dart, or STDT25, NATO states the operation will "test and tra
in the operational deployment and reinforcement of 2024 Allied Reaction Force (A
RF)". While the organisation notes it will take place "under peacetime condition
", it will be carried out in two Eastern European nations that border Russia, wh
ich top military figures have warned is preparing to attack.
Troops are participating in STDT25 in Romania and Bulgaria, where they will "foc
us on the planning and execution of a pre-crisis multi-domain activity" and rein
force allied forces in both nations. The British convoy travelled to the nations
in a "hefty undertaking", British Army Second Lieutenant Alex Coleman told the
PA news agency, that will show what the military and NATO "are capable of".
The convoy has travelled through multiple nations, including the Netherlands, Ge
rmany and Slovakia, before pausing in Hungary and eventually landing in Romania,
where they are due to carry out combat drills. They follow recent warnings from
top German military officials, who have said Russian despot Vladimir Putin is r
earming his country at a rapid rate, and could be preparing to attack a NATO nat
German Major General Christian Freuding said in a statement that the Russian arm
ed forces are "successfully rearming" despite massive losses in Ukraine. He said
: "The Russian armed forces are not just able to compensate for the enormous per
sonnel and material losses, they are successfully rearming."
The military chief added that, while it isn't obvious whether Putin has immediat
e plans to lash out against a NATO member state, the confrontation is on the car
ds. He said the Russian premier was "clearly creating the conditions" for a clas
h, noting: "Production is growing, the supplies in the depots are growing."
us on the planning and execution of a pre-crisis multi-domain activity" and rein
force allied forces in both nations. The British convoy travelled to the nations
in a "hefty undertaking", British Army Second Lieutenant Alex Coleman told the
PA news agency, that will show what the military and NATO "are capable of".
The convoy has travelled through multiple nations, including the Netherlands, Ge
rmany and Slovakia, before pausing in Hungary and eventually landing in Romania,
where they are due to carry out combat drills. They follow recent warnings from
top German military officials, who have said Russian despot Vladimir Putin is r
earming his country at a rapid rate, and could be preparing to attack a NATO nat
German Major General Christian Freuding said in a statement that the Russian arm
ed forces are "successfully rearming" despite massive losses in Ukraine. He said
: "The Russian armed forces are not just able to compensate for the enormous per
sonnel and material losses, they are successfully rearming."
The military chief added that, while it isn't obvious whether Putin has immediat
e plans to lash out against a NATO member state, the confrontation is on the car
ds. He said the Russian premier was "clearly creating the conditions" for a clas
h, noting: "Production is growing, the supplies in the depots are growing."
us on the planning and execution of a pre-crisis multi-domain activity" and rein
force allied forces in both nations. The British convoy travelled to the nations
in a "hefty undertaking", British Army Second Lieutenant Alex Coleman told the
PA news agency, that will show what the military and NATO "are capable of".
The convoy has travelled through multiple nations, including the Netherlands, Ge
rmany and Slovakia, before pausing in Hungary and eventually landing in Romania,
where they are due to carry out combat drills. They follow recent warnings from
top German military officials, who have said Russian despot Vladimir Putin is r
earming his country at a rapid rate, and could be preparing to attack a NATO nat
German Major General Christian Freuding said in a statement that the Russian arm
ed forces are "successfully rearming" despite massive losses in Ukraine. He said
: "The Russian armed forces are not just able to compensate for the enormous per
sonnel and material losses, they are successfully rearming."
The military chief added that, while it isn't obvious whether Putin has immediat
e plans to lash out against a NATO member state, the confrontation is on the car
ds. He said the Russian premier was "clearly creating the conditions" for a clas
h, noting: "Production is growing, the supplies in the depots are growing."
us on the planning and execution of a pre-crisis multi-domain activity" and rein
force allied forces in both nations. The British convoy travelled to the nations
in a "hefty undertaking", British Army Second Lieutenant Alex Coleman told the
PA news agency, that will show what the military and NATO "are capable of".
The convoy has travelled through multiple nations, including the Netherlands, Ge
rmany and Slovakia, before pausing in Hungary and eventually landing in Romania,
where they are due to carry out combat drills. They follow recent warnings from
top German military officials, who have said Russian despot Vladimir Putin is r
earming his country at a rapid rate, and could be preparing to attack a NATO nat
German Major General Christian Freuding said in a statement that the Russian arm
ed forces are "successfully rearming" despite massive losses in Ukraine. He said
: "The Russian armed forces are not just able to compensate for the enormous per
sonnel and material losses, they are successfully rearming."
The military chief added that, while it isn't obvious whether Putin has immediat
e plans to lash out against a NATO member state, the confrontation is on the car
ds. He said the Russian premier was "clearly creating the conditions" for a clas
h, noting: "Production is growing, the supplies in the depots are growing."
us on the planning and execution of a pre-crisis multi-domain activity" and rein
force allied forces in both nations. The British convoy travelled to the nations
in a "hefty undertaking", British Army Second Lieutenant Alex Coleman told the
PA news agency, that will show what the military and NATO "are capable of".
The convoy has travelled through multiple nations, including the Netherlands, Ge
rmany and Slovakia, before pausing in Hungary and eventually landing in Romania,
where they are due to carry out combat drills. They follow recent warnings from
top German military officials, who have said Russian despot Vladimir Putin is r
earming his country at a rapid rate, and could be preparing to attack a NATO nat
German Major General Christian Freuding said in a statement that the Russian arm
ed forces are "successfully rearming" despite massive losses in Ukraine. He said
: "The Russian armed forces are not just able to compensate for the enormous per
sonnel and material losses, they are successfully rearming."
The military chief added that, while it isn't obvious whether Putin has immediat
e plans to lash out against a NATO member state, the confrontation is on the car
ds. He said the Russian premier was "clearly creating the conditions" for a clas
h, noting: "Production is growing, the supplies in the depots are growing."
作者: hinanaitenco (桃子好吃)   2025-01-22 17:23:00
北約有核彈 理性的人是不會宣戰北約的

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