sb117611 (sb117611)
2014-07-17 07:01:51https://mojang.com/2014/07/minecraft-snapshot-14w29a/
Update: We can never be sure if bending space around time is the right
approach until we get feedback from you on the 14w29b snapshot that bends
time around space instead. We do that by using the newly implemented threaded
render batch system. That’s a lot a fancy sounding words, so if you don’t
know what that means, it should improve performance even more. Or crash
horribly. But without your feedback, we’ll never know which one is true.
So here it is, the 14w29b update…
Fixed in this snapshot:
[Bug MC-62116] – Players loses CommandStats{} after Death
[Bug MC-62134] – #players are taking up space on the sidebar display
This snapshot contains a lot of optimizations specifically targeting render
performance. If your system supports it, you can select VBO in the video
setting. This enables Vertex Buffer Objects and should increase your fps by
5% to 10% on average. We are especially interested on feedback on performance
related issues with this snapshot.
Last week we compressed time and space, that did not work too well for the
snapshot. So this week we will try something else and bend space around time.
Apart from these highly experimental changes, we also did this:
[Bug MC-71] – Mobs don't spawn next to water streams if the x and z
coordinates are negative
[Bug MC-267] – Potion effect status doesn't show If the inventory was
open when it was cast upon the player.
[Bug MC-393] – Starvation prevents sleeping in bed on peaceful.
[Bug MC-404] – Viewing a map while invisible still shows both hands
holding it
[Bug MC-455] – Standing on exact X.0 Z.0 coordinates prevents
breaking/placing block in North West
[Bug MC-486] – Zombies and Skeletons don't burn on slabs
[Bug MC-506] – You can make smooth sandstone into smooth sandstone
[Bug MC-665] – Minecarts and TNT are not moved by water currents
[Bug MC-676] – Signs and chests do not display cracking animation
[Bug MC-49041] – Teleporting with rotation might twist your head
[Bug MC-53033] – Unable to disable nameTagVisilibity for someone in
spectator mode
[Bug MC-57516] – CanPickUpLoot and CustomNameVisible not Working
[Bug MC-59052] – Cannot add fake players or named entities to scoreboard
[Bug MC-59602] – Hoppers/Dropper can't take water bucket out of furnace
[Bug MC-59634] – You get the message "Your game mode has beed updated"
even when sendCommandFeedback = false
[Bug MC-59946] – Iron trapdoors appear on the opposite side of where
they are placed when open (east/west orientation)
[Bug MC-60279] – Detector rails render as unpowered, even when powered
[Bug MC-61033] – Particle command don't work
[Bug MC-61451] – Frame-rate drop in 14w28b
[Bug MC-61453] – /title command writing errors on the server log
[Bug MC-61505] – Mob Spawners count min/max spawn delay with a rate of
10 instead of 1
[Bug MC-61519] – Chests that should be oriented east/west are oriented
north in desert temples
[Bug MC-61577] – CommandStats are not used when a command sign is
right-clicked by non-OPs
[Bug MC-61586] – Client freezes for ~1 second in multiplayer when
opacity of a block changes next to unloaded chunk
[Bug MC-61666] – cannot setblock or fill ender chests
[Bug MC-61711] – Sidebar Scoreboard shows the lowest scores and not the
best when hitting the limit of the sidebar